Thursday, April 21, 2016

Grayson vs. Jolly Debate

Ask Congressman David Jolly and Congressman Alan Grayson about the issues that are most important to you -- then vote and tell others! Watch the Florida Open Debate for U.S. Senate right here on Monday, April 25, at 7:00 pm EDT. All questions will be chosen from among those that receive the most votes online. here

Feds Say Florida Can't Block Medicaid Funding To Planned Parenthood

A key federal health agency on Tuesday notified Florida that they may not ban Medicaid funding for family-planning services at clinics that also offer elective abortions. here

Vigil at Sheriff Gee's Office In Ybor

Today 5:30 pm

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Hillcrest Healthcare In Hollywood Hiring Scabs At $18 Per Hour

The Hillcrest Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center, a nursing home in Hollywood is hiring scabs at $18.00 per hour to replace strikers making $11.00 per hour. here
Please note: They are only looking for seasonal workers until the strike ends.

Tampa Wants Robust Urban Transit

“My proposal is we wait and do it later, we don’t want to kill it, we want to modify it,” Bill Carlson echoing the criticism among Tampa liberals that there is far too little rail in the plan. He insisted, adding that the only people who will gain from the proposal is the Tea Party and the consultants who will work on the campaign. “We should have robust urban transit, Go Hillsborough doesn’t do that.” Ed Turanchik here
We are about to take it deep!
The history of GO Hillsborough

The Skyway Trap & Skeet Club Is Dangerous To Our Health

For 60 years it has been polluting Sawgrass Lake Park
a public wetland that feeds 
into Tampa BayAn estimated one million pounds of the hazardous stuff fell on the property,They were told to build a wall but never did. here

Pic credit - Skyway Trap & Skeet Club archive

The Citrus Taliban Infestation of Hillsborough County Schools

There are currently 40 Fellowship of Christian Athlete clubs operating in Hillsborough county, including those at 10 public middle schools, 25 public high schools and the University of South Florida.
Adult leaders with Fellowship of Christian Athletes clubs were banned from Hillsborough County public schools until they can undergo special training on district policies and procedures. here
Also check this out!

La Gaceta's Best of the West Tampa Poll

We recommend "Guido Maniscalco" for 
favorite current politician. 

Tampa Tea Party Paid Agitator Sharon Calvert

Where's my money?
“Several of your county commissioners want to be re-elected or seek other office (sic), some of them this year. Nothing has a bigger impact on them than ordinary citizens (not paid agitators) showing up at their meetings,” local tea bagger Sharon Calvert writes in an email. here
We didn't get paid?

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Louisiana GOP Bill Cassidy: We Don't Want Your Shit On Our Shores

Florida great Bill Nelson won this round. But a Louisiana colleague sponsoring a measure that encourages states like Florida to open up their waters to oil drilling promises the issue won’t go away. here
We will keep fighting you!

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Ben Albritton

For nearly 60 years, visitors to the Skyway Trap & Skeet Club in St.Pete fired at targets using shells filled with lead pellets. Often, their ammunition traveled into neighboring Sawgrass Lake Park. Over the decades, it accumulated there in prodigious quantities. Lead shot is toxic, and can leach into water and soil. An estimated one million pounds of the hazardous stuff fell on the property, polluting a lake that feeds into Tampa Bay, a fragile marine estuary. Under a legal deal struck in 2004, Swiftmud agreed to pay for removing the lead from the park, and Skyway said it would build a barrier to stop spent ammunition from falling on state property. That wall never went up. So last year, the water management agency sued the gun range. Then the NRA got involved. They brought in Florida GOP Ben Albritton. This guy is a powerful GOP lawmaker involved in setting the agency's budget.  In February, Swiftmud abruptly dropped the lawsuit without explanation. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Chicken in Garlic Sauce
With rice. At Top China in Dundee
Visit them here
Eat Local!

Pam Bondi: Worst Attorney General Ever

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi has added our great state to the lawsuit that is currently blocking the implementation of Obama's executive actions on immigration. While she would be quick to tell you that we need to fix our broken immigration system, her consistent refusal to meet with constituents to discuss the issue of immigration paints a different picture of her intentions. here
A PPRI poll reports that nearly four out of five Floridians wish that immigrants "be allowed to stay" in the country. Moreover, the same poll indicates that Floridians view immigrants as assets to our country's customs and values. Bondi has shown that she is willing to ignore her constituents in Florida and embroil our state in a wasteful lawsuit that benefits no one but Republican hard-liners.
In Florida, where up to 229,000 immigrants could benefit from the president's executive actions, this translates to an estimated $9.4 billion growth in our state's GDP. And that is not all: A report from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy estimates that Florida's state and local tax coffers would grow by $17 million per year.


11th Annual Sunscreen Film Festival In St. Pete