Saturday, May 24, 2008

IS 318: Hell, No, We Won't Take Another Test!

More than 160 students in six different classes at Intermediate School 318 in the South Bronx - virtually the entire eighth grade - refused to take last Wednesday’s three-hour practice exam for next month’s statewide social studies
“He was pulled because he was inappropriate with the kids. He was giving them
messages that were inappropriate.”........David Cantor
“My students know they are welcome in my class to have open discussions. I teach them
critical thinking.”..........Douglas Avella

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Chopped Sirloin
With Cottage Cheese And Squash
$7.50 At.......Stefano Greek Italian 8904 N 56th St Temple Terrace

Tampa Locavore

No. 1: Caladesi Island State Park

Dr. Beach describes Caladesi Island State Park as a "well-kept secret. Surrounded by a lush state park, few people in Tampa seem to know its whereabouts."

Tomato Pickers Win Victory With Burger King

BKC has agreed to pay an additional net penny per pound for Florida tomatoes to increase wages for the Florida farm workers who harvest tomatoes. To encourage grower participation in this increased wage program, BKC will also fund incremental payroll taxes and administrative costs incurred by the growers as a result of their farmworkers' increased wages, or a total of 1.5 cents per pound of

Newsome High School Students At Obama Rally

Essie Mae Reed, Is A Tampa Treasure

That's how U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, D-Tampa, described her recently when Castor stood on the floor of the House of Representatives to honor the community activist as a champion of the poor. Reed's legacy now is part of the Congressional

Barack in Sunrise, Florida

It was still dark outside on Friday when the Young family got in line for an afternoon event in a 20,000-seat arena.... So what is it about Democrat Barack Obama, a first-term U.S. senator from Illinois, whose Florida supporters filled two NHL arenas in three days this week?

Streets Of Tampa

Where Was Hillary During The 2000 Florida Recount?

Now that Hillary Clinton (D) is shamelessly evoking the 2000 Florida Recount in her desperate effort to lay claim to the Florida delegation -- and the fact that Kevin Spacey's film on the recount called 'Recount' is being shown on HBO this Sunday night -- it seems like a good time to share a story with

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Yo Ho Hoedown In Ybor City

If you happen to be in Ybor City this weekend, expect to see cowboy hats. Expect to hear music involving trucks and hound dogs. And expect the

Civil War Sloop Found In Hillsborough River

Billy Ray Morris hovered in the water above his prize, the submerged hull of what may be the Kate Dale, a Civil War blockade

Florida Voters And Obama's Tampa Speech

The crowd in the forum yesterday was like nothing I have seen since I moved to Florida from California a number of years ago. At one point, looking around, I turned to my companion and said, "It looks like Los Angeles in here. Only, more friendly." It did: people of every age and race, not just sharing space but talking to one another, sharing their stories of where they lived and worked, how they came to know Obama's campaign, and what they liked about his

Brian Moore To Speak In Tampa

Socialist Party USA presidential nominee, Brian Moore, will speak on "How America Can Change from Capitalism to Socialism" on Wednesday, June 4, 2008, from 12 noon to 2 PM, at the John F. Germany Library in downtown Tampa, 900 North Ashley Drive,

Miami Republicans Act Of Political Cowardice

Miami's three Cuban-American Republicans in Congress have scrapped plans to participate in a series of debates with their Democratic challengers. The South Florida AFL-CIO, which in recent years has hosted debates for mayoral and gubernatorial races, planned three debates next week for the nationally watched contests. But the Republicans said this week that they're not

The Jan Kaminis Platt Trail

America'a first overhead bicycle path. From bedroom community of Brandon to Tampa.


“Apparently, cosmetic policy changes are not only limited to Havana, they are taking place in Washington, too. If George Bush were serious about effectuating change in Cuba he would immediately grant Cuban-Americans unrestricted family visitation and remittances rights.
This is nothing more than political gamesmanship in an election year with the emotions of the Cuban people, which have already suffered through 50 years of a brutal regime and eight years of an incompetent administration.”......Joe Garcia

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Far Right Wins in Florida, Loses in Indiana

Every election season brings a new crop of political hopefuls from the radical right. So far this year, their win-loss record is a respectable