Friday, July 17, 2009

Pat Bean Sparred Over Raises

5 Fo 5

At Arbys In Seminole

Tampa Residents Plead To Spare Programs

In all, about 700 people crowded into the cavernous All People's Life Center in North Tampa to ask Hillsborough County commissioners to spare their favorite programs from budget

Bakas Equestrian Center

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rick Baker Has The Dubious Honor

Of being the mayor of the 2nd meanest city in the country to the homeless. From what I have heard it doesn't bother
Four Florida Cities In The Top Ten.
Congratulations Orlando, Gainesville, Bradenton And St. Petersburg.

Ruthington Post

Dan Ruth Has A New Blog

Red Flag Rally in Tampa

More than 100 gay-right protesters took to downtown Tampa to criticize the recent airing of an anti-gay, hourlong paid program on NBC affiliate News Channel 8 (run on the same day as the St. Petersburg Gay Pride Parade).

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Phyllis' Legacy … Will Live On

The Hillsborough County Commission voted unanimously Wednesday to name an award and a senior center after former Elections Supervisor Phyllis

Best Of Tedd Webb

"If you haven’t realized these Greens are whackos by now, you are not paying attention"........Tedd Webb

Jan Platt Moral Courage Award

Thank You Commissioner Rose Ferlita!
I take back all the bad things i ever said about you.

America’s Second Harvest of Tampa Bay

A non-profit Food Bank, delivers food to 35,000 hungry people living in the Tampa Bay area every week. Almost a quarter of those people are children and more than a third of those people had to between buying food or paying their mortgage or utilities bills..........more
America's Second Harvest of Tampa Bay

Mary Mulhern Traveling To Havana

Mary Mulhern will join a delegation of more than 20 Tampa business people traveling to Havana on Friday. The purpose of their five-day trip: to lay the groundwork for trade with Cuba as soon as U.S.-Cuba relations

Tampa Bay's News Channel Hate


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

St. Pete Second Meanest City in the Country

In a distinction our fair city probably doesn’t want, the National Coalition of the Homeless named St. Petersburg the second meanest city in the country toward homeless

The WMNF Peace Awards

August 29, 2009 6-9pm
The Springs Theatre, 8029 N Nebraska Ave, Tampa
Tickets, $75 You'll be able to order on-line soon, or call(813) 865-8260 to get your tickets today!
Amy Goodman will serve as the evening's emcee.

Insurance Company Supporters Rally

Outside U.S. Senator Bill Nelson’s Regional Office In Tampa
In Washington, D.C, Congress is considering a range of options for health care reform. This afternoon in Tampa, members of lobbied both Florida Senators to support a strong “public option.”But they were outnumbered by people opposing a public health care

Joe Wasilewski: Miami's Version Of Steve Irwin

The Bahamas has one less 'gator... Which now brings the total number of alligators living the the Bahamas to ... zero.........more

Outing Charlie Crist

Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Kirby Dick delivers a searing indictment of the hypocrisy of closeted politicians who actively campaign against the LGBT community they covertly belong to. "Outrage" boldly reveals the hidden lives of some of our nation's most powerful policymakers, details the harm they've inflicted on millions of Americans, and examines the media's complicity in keeping their secrets.


Monday, July 13, 2009

Equality Florida Isn't Willing To Let The Matter Slide

Equality Florida has announced a press conference and demonstration at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, in front of WFLA's headquarters at
202 S. Parker St. in Tampa.