Monday, July 22, 2013

Schnitt Asks Listeners to Flood DOJ Website

He blasted the public email account set up by the Justice Department to collect “tips about George Zimmerman that could lead to federal charges against him. He also encouraged listeners to submit fake Zimmerman racist reports on Twitter to mock the DOJ's absurd charade and wants the Justice Department to set up a tip line to get to the bottom of who is responsible for the “illegal profiling of conservatives at the IRS. He said a preposterous witch-hunt calls for an equally preposterous response......more

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Hot Dog, Chips and Drink $3.50
Dairy Joy 3813 S Manhattan Ave in Tampa
Great deal, tasty dog with mustard, onions and horseradish on a toasted bun. 

Fight Scott's Voter Purge

With the ink barely dry on the U.S. Supreme Court’s awful ruling to gut the Voting Rights Act, Gov. Scott has announced he plans to resume his recklessly partisan, undemocratic voter purge. We know what this is - Gov. Scott is getting desperate as poll numbers paint a dire picture of his reelection. Unfortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court just made it easier for Scott to make it harder for some Floridians to vote.Last year, Gov. Scott’s administration began purging alleged “non-citizens” from the voter rolls without seeking the Justice Department’s approval. Not only did Scott’s administration likely violate the Voting Rights Act at the time, but it was quickly revealed that the data used to purge the rolls was severely flawed. Bill Internicola, a 91-year-old World War II veteran, was one of many legitimate voters caught up in Gov. Scott’s flawed voter purge. The purge list mostly targeted minority voters with 58% of the list being Hispanic voters.

Florida's Castle Doctrine

Rick Scott finally came home from self-exile and met with protesters who are occupying the Capitol to seek repeal of the state's "stand your ground" law. In the end, the protesters made their case, and Scott was insistent that the self-defense law should remain on the
Stand your ground’ laws not just GOP policy. The Florida House vote was 92-20. Twelve Democrats voted in

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Justice For Horsley Shorter Jr

What is wrong with Florida's Legal and judicial System? This poor guy spends 26 years in the military, comes home safe to live out his life and then this career criminal who has been arrested on 37 felony charges and 25 misdemeanor charges since he was 14 comes along and shoots him dead. What happen to those private prisons republicans like so much. Don't they make money by having cells occupied.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Shane, He is a local from Ybor City.Told me he lives in a tent. He said local shelters are nothing but a scam.

Trayvon Martin Could Have Been Me

Boycott Florida

Check out the petition by MoveOn. Petition Statement: We're boycotting Florida tourism until the "stand your ground" law is overturned. Your state is not a safe place to vacation if your citizens are able to kill anyone they deem suspicious. here
Check out the page on Facebook. On Twitter and Facebook a number of hashtags — #BoycottFlorida, #BoycottFloridaTourism and #NotFlorida — have been created in support of boycotting Florida over the Zimmerman ruling. Marco Rubio called talk of a boycott of Florida "outrageous" and "divisive" Friday during a stop in Orlando. The Gov. said he hopes Florida withstands talk of boycott.

Oops, 2013 School District Report Card

Hillsborough County got a D, Pinellas got an A. How did that happen?
April Griffin, Carol W. Kurdell , Doretha W. Edgecomb, Candy Olson, Cindy Stuart, Susan L. Valdes, Stacy R.White. Ask them here

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Trayvon Martin Protest In Tampa

Sam Gibbons Federal Court House in Tampa

The Merchants Of Ybor

Gaby and Manny of Mace Multimedia  with Mo and Ester of Local Shops 1 at
Hamburger Mary's in Ybor City.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa
 Item #60 on the City Council Agenda. to be homeless within the Tampa city limits.
"Jail does nothing to solve the problem. It only tries to make the problem invisible. It's not even a Band-Aid," said Heather Curry, Ph.D. student at USF
"The wind has been taken out of my sails," said Steven Sapp, publisher of the Tampa Epoch and long-time homeless advocate. "What happened to unbiased journalism, focused on facts? I expected more out of the Tampa Bay Times and the new Tampa Tribune. They are doing nothing more than spreading false information and mostly grouping aggressive panhandling (ordinance 59) with sleeping outdoors (ordinance 60)."
The homeless advocates are disappointed, but are far from giving up. Future plans of the group include creating a network of organizations that focus on homeless relief, community awareness events, and advocating for Housing First models such as Resurrection House in Sarasota......more
Council members Mulhern, Reddick and Capin first trying to get a 90-day continuance and then voting no when they failed to delay the vote.

Let's Kick Miami's Ass

Local foodie blogger Carlos Hernandez had a vision, now more than 100 food trucks will assemble at the Florida Fairgrounds in Tampa in an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the largest rally, and word on the street is Miami is mad. If successful, this will trounce the record set in April in Miami when 62 trucks convened at Magic City Casino.  "Some of the local promoters in Miami have some objections to this," said Jeremy Gomez, one of the organizers of the Tampa rally. "The promoters are very cutthroat and they've been telling their trucks that if they come to our event they won't use them anymore. They just don't want us to take their record." Sef Gonzalez, the Miami guy says this is bunk.  here

Ringmaster Rick Scott

Made CREW'S List of worst governors.
here Thay say he is a ringmaster.

Friday, July 19, 2013

On Ed Snowden's "Oppressive Regime Tour"

Deborah Newell Tornello
For those who argue--ridiculously--that Edward Snowden should have "faced the music" and stayed in the US rather than "tour the oppressive, anti-human-rights regimes of the world", a little reminder: Neither Russia, nor Ecuador, nor Venezuela, nor Cuba, The United States? We put 43 human beings to death in 2011 alone.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

 The Cuban Mary
With Black Bean Soup
$6.95 at Hamburger Mary in Ybor City 

Republicans Will Be Crucified By The Hispanic Media

 Jorge Ramos,  the “Walter Cronkite of Hispanic media said in an interview that Boehner and fellow House Republicans will get absolutely crucified by the Hispanic media if Republicans fail to support comprehensive reform. Ramos says, the bulk of the coverage in Hispanic media strongly suggests it will be hard for Republicans to avoid most or all the blame if it fails. “In the end, you just have to follow Hispanic media,” Ramos says. “The question is, who is responsible for failure? So far, the answer is Republicans.”

The Despicable And Pathetic Right Wing

 Lester Chambers  attacked on stage for dedicating a song to Trayvon
The has-been rocker Ted Nugent blames Trayvon Martin for shooting in George Zimmerman case, calling the late teen 'a dope smoking, racist gangsta wannabe'
Geraldo (Thinks he is a journalist) Rivera's claim that Martin brought about his own death
by dressing in a hooded sweatshirt the night of the killing was shocking, but not
surprising. Echoing earlier comments he made on the program, Rivera proclaimed:
\"You dress like a thug, people are going to treat you like a thug."
 Prominent conservative websites published fake photos of
The Sanford Police leaked irrelevant, negative information about
Race-baiters,’ ‘hustlers,’ and ‘pimps’: right wing attacks on civil rights
Why The Right-Wing Media Spent 16 Months Smearing A Dead
If Mr. Zimmerman was such a good neighborhood watchman and neighbor as one juror said he would of asked Mr. Martin to get out of the rain and given him a ride home.