Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Georgia Governor Is "Really Thirsty"

"Hey, we used to own half the damn country. Look at that map." "I'll bet you with the right priced judge we could annex Alabama, bamboozle Florida and Hell, nobody wants Tennessee.".........more

University of Florida Expert On Fifth Anniversary Of Iraq War

As the fifth anniversary of the war in Iraq approaches, anti-war groups are turning to tactics designed to provoke authorities to make arrests as a substitute for the kind of mass rallies they organized in the past, says a University of Florida researcher.......here

Florida Medical Records Sold at Utah Thrift Shop

Dozens of Florida hospital patients are outraged because their private medical records wound up for sale at a thrift shop in Utah. Central Florida Regional Hospital in Sanford shipped the patients' records by UPS in December.......more

Anti-Gay Hatred Rampant In Florida High School

This one is a little weird, but not unexpected, but you might want to brace yourself anyhow. The Ponce de Leon High School in the Florida panhandle has decided that it would be a really cool idea to ban symbols and speech which might prove supportive of GLBT rights........here

Red-Light Cameras Increase Crashes And Costs, USF Report Finds

Rather than improving motorist safety, red-light cameras significantly increase crashes and are a ticket to higher auto insurance premiums, researchers at the University of South Florida College of Public Health conclude.......here

Florida Legislators Busy With Sally-D

On Web sites touting the mind-blowing powers of Salvia divinorum, come-ons to buy the hallucinogenic herb are accompanied by warnings: "Time is running out!" and "stock up while you still can." Eight states have already placed restrictions on salvia, and 16 others, including Florida, are considering a ban or have previously........here

My Hero Rachel Maddow

The Rachel Maddow Show

Monday, March 10, 2008

Everglades Restoration Continues Despite Water Scarcity

South Florida experienced a severe water shortage during Water Year 2007, more than a foot below historic averages for the region. From May 1, 2006 to April 31, 2007, low rainfall reduced flows across the entire region, according the annual report released Tuesday by Florida state agencies......more

Florida Monkeys With Education

With all of the important problems facing Florida and its economy what are we debating? Why evolution of course. Today, people are losing their homes in Florida due to high taxes and out of control insurance companies. And while “No Show, Empty Chair” Charlie is out campaigning for John McCain, our legislature has dug up John Scopes and put it all on trial again........here

Howard Dean Talks Florida/Michigan Re-Vote

Two Florida Mothers Are United By Slain Black Gay Sons

The Williams and Broadus cases remain unsolved and police do not believe this is the work of the same killer, "although there were similarities. Both victims identified themselves as gay and sometimes dressed as women, and they were both shot by killers who may have made anti-gay slurs."......here

Florida Democrats Are Going To Be Annoyed

Al Sharpton’s threatening the Democratic National Committee with a lawsuit. If Hillary Clinton doesn’t win the nomination in a manner Sharpton approves, he told Bill O’Reilly on Fox News he may even leave the Democratic Party......here

Florida Legislature Getting Expelled

Word about Rep. Hays’ movie invite to his fellow Florida legislators is filtering out to the media. Newspaper blogs are talking up a storm on the event........more

Florida Trail Goodness!


Beaches, Boardwalks, Bistros In Laid-Back Sunshine State City

If you’re over Miami’s fast pace and Orlando is just too Mouse, Tampa may be the place to drop anchor in the Sunshine State. It’s got the beaches and the roller coasters but evades the frenzy that marks Florida’s more prominent destinations........more

We Deserve A Great Leader

I saw Senator Obama when he was here last year. I’m a pretty cynical person when it comes to politics, mostly because of my poly sci degree. But Barack Obama was different. Because when he talked, I actually cared. He wasn’t promising me 4 years of rainbows and sunshine. Hell, he wasn’t even selling himself. His message was that I could make a difference. That, as a group, we still had the power to change the world. But it would take work. Each and every one of us.......here

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Intolerance on the streets of Ybor City

Water Quality Restores Seagrasses In Tampa Bay

A recent study released by the Tampa Bay Estuary Program found only three isolated areas where water quality targets were not being met. The rest of the bay is now rated to have good water quality, even Hillsborough Bay, which for years was little more than a cesspool for the city of Tampa.......here

Finding Florida's Panthers

Florida panthers are an endangered species, and Big Cypress researchers monitor 11 radio-collared cats in the preserve south of Interstate 75. The panther work, which includes aerial surveys three times a week, costs $300,000 a year, most of which comes from the preserve's budget with help from the National Park Service's Southeast Regional Office in Atlanta.......here

The Coattails of Barack Obama

While the media spins Hillary's attempt to make herself look Presidential through her allusion (or illusion) that the Big Girl would consider Barack Obama as a VP running mate...(although her recent Super Tuesday II delegate win was just slapped down by Don't Think So Wyoming)......here

Rare Primate Born At Central Florida Zoo

Younger than a month old, Makena is already taking baby steps. The rare primate's birth is big news in the world of captive breeding. There are fewer than 25 lesser spot-nosed guenons on exhibit in American Zoo and Aquarium Association institutions throughout the country, and the Sanford park is one of only a few reproducing them........here

Ft. Myers Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Two-thousand somber souls gathered at the foot of the Midpoint Memorial Bridge in Fort Myers on Sunday for the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial of Southwest Florida........more

Improper Lane Change In Tavares, Florida

An 80-year-old woman went down swinging when a police officer tried to arrest her. Authorities said Thalia Logas refused to sign a ticket and punched the officer in the stomach and chest several times when he tried to place her under arrest........here

Florida Fair Elections Founder Susan Pynchon Honored

When Susan Pynchon founded Florida Fair Elections Coalition in 2004, her chief concern was whether everyone's votes were being accurately counted. Four years later, Pynchon has been named a 2008 recipient of the Nelson Poynter Civil Liberties Award........here