Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Belleair mayor scolds police in hit-run

He says authorities used "poor judgment" in arresting a woman from an affluent family. She's accused of leaving the scene. The mayor's involvement has prompted criticism: Did he cross the line in blasting his own cops while defending the daughter of a wealthy family?.....more
Fiesta In Little Havana

The news shot like lightning through the community. Within minutes, Cuban-Americans streamed into Calle Ocho, their historic thoroughfare in Miami. Motorists screamed "Cuba libre!" and waved Cuban flags from sunroofs......more

Who is Raúl Castro?
Make no mistake, these talented Chicks rock
If the Dixie Chicks are as much of a rock band as their “Accidents and Accusations” tour would have us believe, then it’s a good thing Maines didn’t apologize for her much-ballyhooed comments. Rock ’n’ roll is about freedom, breaking rules, and speaking your mind. And if these rocking country gals aren’t “ready to make nice,” then, well, they shouldn’t have to.....more

Willie: Dixie Chicks 'got a raw deal'

Monday, July 31, 2006

Ailing Castro gives power to brother

Castro said he would also temporarily relinquish his duties as first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba to Raul, who turned 75 in June and who has been taking on a more public profile in recent weeks....more
Lebanon oil spill crisis

The Lebanese government has appealed for help to clean up a huge oil spill along its coastline created after Israel bombed a power plant....more

I Think The Folk's At The Ministry of Tourism Are Out Of A Job?

LEBANON: An environmental disaster looms

This Look's Like A Job For Halliburton.When all this fighting is over, just think of all the big fat contracts Halliburton can get for reconstructing a ruined Lebanon

Too Late for Empire
Jonathan Schell
Anyone who wants to write about the constitutional crisis unfolding in the United States today faces a peculiar problem at the outset.....more

Lieberman's shameless race baiting flyer (and a few words)

Here's the racist flyer from team Joementum that everyone is dying to see. Read it and puke....more

Assad tells Syrian army to get ready

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has told the Syrian military to raise its readiness, pledging not to abandon support for Lebanese resistance against Israel....more
A tragic reminder of the slave trade

The Senegalese seem to really like Americans, which may seem odd these days, as ninety percent of them are Moslems.....more

Mayor envisions no-car downtown

A bus system, called circulators, would take residents between home and work and a night on the town by 2010.....more

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Israeli attack draws outrage

Western and Arab leaders have condemned Israel's attack on a village in south Lebanon. Close to 550 Lebanese, most of them civilians, have been killed in Israel's 19-day-old war on Lebanon....more

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Timeless Cartoon
Republicans afraid to say they are…Republicans
Nasrallah: Israel wants cease-fire, U.S. opposed

In a televised speech Saturday evening, Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah vowed rocket strikes on towns in central Israel....more

Israel is serving its American master

How can the American people accept their elected President (?) George W. Bush's rejection of a ceasefire?
Judge to Bucs: No more fan patdowns

The team's security policy of patdown searches for fans at home games is unconstitutional, a federal judge rules. "A generalized fear of terrorism should not diminish the fundamental Fourth Amendment protection envisioned by our Founding Fathers.....more

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Benjamin Franklin
Gone with the wind

Since hurricane Katrina battered New Orleans almost a year ago, the population has halved. Amid the debris and regret, Gary Younge finds a city losing its soul.....more
Graham CRACKer Crust Bust
Who knew “New York-style cheesecake” meant “with a side of crack”?

When The Bitch heard that employees of three prominent CocoWalk eateries had been busted for running informal pharmacological operations, she got on the case; the touristy shopping zone may not contain a Nordstrom, but, hey, it's within trotting distance.....more

Friday, July 28, 2006

Denmark is the happiest country in the world

Danes came out top in the survey that measured health, wealth, education, sense of identity and the aesthetic quality of the landscape. The United States was 23rd, Germany came in at number 35, and Britain ranked 41st....more
Chicago Approves Living Wage Over Objections of Mayor, Wal Mart
The Chicago City Council has approved a measure requiring large retailers to pay employees a living wage – making Chicago the largest city with such a rule....more
"You know Ann Coulter? She was on CNBC today and she said 'Bill Clinton is gay.' Please, just because she's the only woman on the planet he wouldn't have sex with doesn't make him gay.".......Jay Leno
Tide of Arab Opinion Turns to Support for Hezbollah

At the onset of the Lebanese crisis, Arab governments, starting with Saudi Arabia, slammed Hezbollah for recklessly provoking a war, providing what the United States and Israel took as a wink and a nod to continue the fight....more

Al-Qaida's called Thursday for Muslims to unite in a holy war against Israel'

Can Democrats Take Back the U.S. House? Is Florida a Battleground?

Given the shift in the electorate, the shockwaves could reach far from Washington DC, through Tallahassee, to cities and counties across Florida......more
Among the nation's dirtiest

Progress Energy's power plant in Crystal River has four coal units - and once again, it makes a national list of polluters.....more
Beltway planned to skirt Tampa
The toll road would run from the northern part of Manatee County, through eastern Hillsborough, west across southern Pasco County and into northern Pinellas....more

"Our emphasis needs to be on mass transit, not additional beltways and expressways," Mayor Pam Iorio

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Harris Demands Dean Apologize For Comparison To Stalin

TAMPA, Fla. -- U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris' Senate campaign demanded an apology Thursday from Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean, who during a Florida stop this week likened her to former Soviet ruler Joseph Stalin....more
Israel’s Barrier to Peace

Editor’s note: The former Middle East bureau chief for The New York Times and author of the bestseller “War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning” examines the way Israel’s security wall has ripped a mortal gash in the lives of Palestinians living in its shadow, and argues that there can be no hope for peace in the Middle East as long as America continues to aid Israel in its dehumanizing practices....more
Howard Dean compares Katherine Harris to Stalin

West Palm Beach -- Democrat leader Howard Dean called the Iraqi prime minister an "anti-Semite" during an address before party loyalists on Wednesday. The Democratic National Committee chairman also called Republican Senate candidate Katherine Harris a "crook" and compared her to Stalin....more