Saturday, June 21, 2014

Florida Tea Party Buster: Alan Cohn

In Tampa-area district, FL-15, polls are showing that voters are open to replacing 
 right-wing extremist Dennis Ross 
with Alan Cohn, the progressive Democrat 
 running for the

Florida Tea Party Buster: Will Bronson

Scenic Sumter County

A County You Might Want To Avoid

Obama Helps GOP Find Their Penises

This weekend the far-right arm of the Republican party is getting their self-righteous on at the Freedom and Faith Coalition annual herding. There’s the usual pandering, hate speech and smugness unencumbered by self-reflection of any kind. Exactly what we’d expect from an event sponsored by 
Ralph Reed’s hate group. here

The guest list includes some of the very best in right-wing hate-mongers and apologists: Michele Bachmann, John Bolton, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul, Phyllis Schafly, Paul Ryan, Grover Norquist and Rick Santorum. Their token people of color this year include Herman Cain, 
Allen West and Dinesh D’Souza.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Garlic Parmesan Chicken Wings

Friday, June 20, 2014

Florida, Sick Of The GOP, Don't Like The Dems?

You are not alone, voters dissatisfied with the two major parties are helping rewrite the political script in Florida, and they will force traditional campaigns to alter their strategies moving forward.
Since 2010, Florida’s voter rolls have expanded by 546,985. Of that increase, 78 percent registered with parties other than the Republicans or Democrats. here

Join The Stogie Party

Marco Rubio at a conference hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition

A group led by long-time 
Christian political activist Ralph Reed
Rubio, the first of several prospective Republican presidential candidates scheduled to speak.
"This is the most conservative, the most pro-life and the most pro-family stable of candidates we've ever had," Reed, the former head of the Christian Coalition, told The Associated Press in an 

Visit Stogie's Gift Shop

Tatiana M. Denson For Florida State Representative

Florida TurboVote

Colleges and universities across the state of Florida are teaming up to promote civic engagement and get students registered to vote with the help of an innovative online platform. here

Emmy Eats Florida

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Sheriff Grady Judd: Stop Lying About Amendment 2

United for Care, the main organization advocating for the approval of Florida Amendment 2 allowing for the medical use of marijuana in the State, is calling for Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd to stop lying to the public about this proposed measure. “Sheriff Judd is clearly entitled to hold and express his opinions on Amendment 2.
“What he his not entitled to is his own version of the facts. Some of the statements that Sheriff Judd has made are not simply opinion or political spin, but outright lies.” here

Rick Scott Transparent?

Federal Marshals Seize Sarasota Police Cellphone Tracking Records

Federal marshals recently seized a local police agency’s records on cell phone surveillance to keep it from public disclosure, demonstrating the importance of prohibiting dragnet surveillance at the state level. Sarasota, police were apparently secretly tracking individuals’ cell phones without a warrant using a device called a Stingray, according to the ACLU. here

Anna Faith Carlson Of Orlando

Marco Rubio Stood With Millionaires Against 40 Million Americans With Student Loan Debt

Rep. Joe Garcia walks in the Key West Pride parade

He also submitted this letter about his 
support for marriage equality.

Attention: Florida Senior Citizens!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Tea Party @ 22%

What The Media Isn’t Telling You About 
Obama’s Poll Numbers

Russian oil drilling off Cuba

Russia plans to search for oil in deep waters between Cuba and Florida, renewing concern of a major oil spill and potential for environmental disaster. 

United We Dream Tampa Bay Crash Hillsborough County Democratic Party Meeting

Latino activists angry with President Obama for failing to halt the deportation of undocumented immigrants clashed with Hillsborough County Democratic Executive Committee. here

Republican Upset He Didn't Get His Bribe

United for Care Inaugural Fundraiser: For The Patients

WHO:      United for Care and its network of statewide medical marijuana patients, activists, advocates, supporters, and volunteers

WHAT:    Inaugural fundraising luncheon & VIP reception

WHERE:  The Westin Hotel: 400 Corporate Drive, 
Fort Lauderdale

WHEN:    Sunday, June 29th, 2014 at 8:30 A.M.

WHY:      For the first time this year a public audience will be able to hear patient stories and network with those leading the medical marijuana efforts in the state of Florida. info

For more information or to schedule an interview with Ben Pollara, please call Maurizio Passariello at 786.285.6398 or email him at

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Florida Shooting Victim's Mother Forgives Young Gunman

No More Teens Getting High

A report released Thursday by the federal government challenges the assertion that 
loosening state marijuana laws will lead to 
more teens getting high. here

What Is Black Conservatism All About?

It’s a question that many liberals ask themselves: What, exactly, motivates a black person to vote for people that can barely conceal the loathing they have for blacks? Are they brain damaged? 
How can we tell? here

Party For Pat Kemp In Tampa

Tuesday, June 24
6:00 – 8:00 pm

at the home of:
Jane and Gary Gibbons
4620 W. Sylvan Ramble St. Tampa

rsvp, or to join host committee:

Local greats Linda Saul-Sena, Mary Mulhern  Susan Smith, Yolie Capin and Lisa Montelione will be there. Where is Mayor Bob? 

Does this face look scary to you?

 Victoria Wilcher, the 3-year-old toddler who was turned away from  a KFC because of her facial scars, has a happy ending: KFC is donating $30,000 to assist with her medical bills, the company announced on Sunday.

Gainesville Sex Slaves

Pre-Iraq War Views Of Florida Legend Bob Graham

"On Oct. 9, 2002, Graham — the guy everyone thought of as quiet, mild-mannered, deliberate, conflict-averse — let loose on his Senate colleagues for going along with President 
Bush's war against Iraq.

"We are locking down on the principle that we have one evil, Saddam Hussein. He is an enormous, gargantuan force, and that's who we're going to go after," Graham said on the floor. "That, frankly, is an erroneous reading of the world. There are many evils out there, a number of which are substantially more competent, particularly in their ability to attack Americans here at home, than Iraq is likely to be in the foreseeable future."

He told his fellow senators that if they didn't recognize that going to war with Iraq without first taking out the actual terrorists would endanger Americans, "then, frankly, my friends — to use a blunt term — 
the blood's going to be on your hands." here