Tuesday, July 14, 2020

John Kory of Tampa Blaming The Victim

Looks like he is a Dem. 
Big fan of Ione Townsend
Visit him here if you want.

Rare courage from a political candidate!

Self Isolate Blues

Ybor Paparazzi


Coronavirus Seizes The State of Florida

As Florida experiences a surge in coronavirus cases, the residents of the state are facing obstacles like overwhelmed hospitals and a looming shortage in beds. HERE

Tampa Hoods


Florida GOP Marco Rubio Says Risks in Reopening Schools 'Not Insignificant'

Florida GOP Museum: 2020 Nominee Jamie Grant

Jamie has been a very naughty boy. 

We like Jessica Harrington HERE

Monday, July 13, 2020

Know Your Candidates: Gary Dolgin For Hillsborough County Circuit Court Judge

Gary Dolgin candidate for Judge in Circuit Court 13th Division (Tampa) is an experienced trial attorney, and is board certified in marital and family law. I find Gary to be judicious and he will be a well qualified Judge. I will Vote for Gary Dolgin.
By-the-by you should now that Gary's opponent has been endorsed by Hillsborough County Commissioner Stacy White. Enough Said.


Hillsborough County Call Your School Board

Today I will be writing to all of our Hillsborough county school board members and asking them to delay the opening of our schools to our students, so that our teachers and support staff have more time to prepare the infrastructure needed to effectively and safely prepare our schools for students to return. It will also give us time to collect and assess more COVID19 data; so that we can properly evaluate whether or not it's even realistic, feasible and safe to offer a brick and mortar option. The safety of our students, teachers and support staff MUST be our #1 priority.
Will you join me? HERE
School BoardCandidate
Jessica Vaughn

Ybor Life

7th Ave

Self Isolate Blues

Florida GOP Ted Yoho Predicts US/China Clash

A violent confrontation between the United States and China could take place within months.
“I would predict there will be a clash within the next three to six months,” Florida Rep. Ted Yoho, the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee for Asia, told the Washington Examiner. HERE

Florida Gets An F

We analyzed how all 50 states have responded to the coronavirus crisis, including which states have coronavirus case reductions, to determine which states have done the best job. HERE

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Andrew Joseph III Memorial Unveiling in Tampa

Number 10

Tampa Bay History Center

Ybor Paparazzi


Self Isolate Blues

Revolting against the Florida Democratic Party

DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES competing in state legislative and congressional races across Florida are revolting against the Florida Democratic Party, saying that the party has abandoned them — and that the party’s refusal to support their efforts to flip the legislature could hurt Joe Biden in November. 

Several candidates are being denied access to a powerful voter data tool, significantly impairing their ability to organize and campaign, and are now asking the state Democratic Party to either help turn Florida blue or get out of their way. HERE

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Rice and Corn
At The Green Store in the SOG

Bill Person for Hillsborough County school Board


Saturday, July 11, 2020

Florida GOP Mitch Thrower's Abundance of Caution

As many of you know, I have been publicly asking my opponent Mitch Thrower to step down from the planning commission because of the conflict of interest tied to his campaign's acceptance of MASSIVE amounts of developer and special interest money/donations which he's taken as a candidate. However, it seems that up until now, Mr. Thrower was resistant to this idea. However, after a fair amount of pressure, Mr. Thrower has done the right thing and stepped down from the planning commission. Although, his campaign has framed it a bit differently. 

I am now urging Mr. Thrower to do the right thing and to also resign from the charter review board; in order to remove any conflict of interest surrounding his campaign and the large amount of money that he's taken from reckless developers, special interests groups and lobbyists who hope to gain his favor if elected to the school board. 

It's time to elect qualified public servants who aren't bought and paid for; and who have the passion, experience and the integrity to make our district successful for all of our students, teachers and support staff - equally! Vote for Jessica Vaughn on August 18, 2020. Also, please donate to our grassroots campaign Thank you all so much for your support!

"Big-money developers and PACs have shoveled over $20,000 into Mitch Thrower's campaign for School Board! 🗳 I'm supporting Jessica Vaughn in that race for School Board (District 3). 👩‍🏫 Jessica Vaughn is a teacher who will work for our students — 
not special interests." 
Mariella Smith, Hillsborough County Commissioner