Thursday, September 15, 2016

Pat Kemp Kicks Off Campaign In Ybor City

L'Unione Italiana

Party unity. Ed Turanchik, Pat and Thomas Scott

Ed and Rick Fernandez

Guido Maniscalco

The incredible Kate M Connolly

Join the team. here

USF: 3rd Annual 'National Welcoming Week' Cultural Festival

9.17 - 11AM
USF  Marshall Student Center

Florida DINO Patrick Murphy Can't Win Without Liberals

A Quinnipiac University poll released late last week shows Rubio leading Rep. Patrick Murphy, by 7 points — 50 percent to 43 percent. Senate Majority PAC’s internal polling from mid August shows Murphy and Rubio in a dead heat and Democratic strategists think Murphy will pull ahead if he improves his numbers with liberal voters. here

Stand with Standing Rock in Tampa!

9.17 - 2PM
5601 E. Fowler Ave.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Tampa Expose the Trump/Bondi Cover Up!

Wondering if Trump is getting his money's worth? So are we.

THURSDAY, Tampa Bay Community will speak out at a press conference demanding answers from Pam Bondi and Donald Trump about the growing controversy around the Trump Foundation’s illegal $25,000 donation to a committee backing Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi – a donation he made when Bondi was considering whether or not join a lawsuit against Trump University.

Expose the Trump/Bondi Cover Up! We DEMAND an investigation?

Lee's Grocery Paparazzi

Members of Tampa Bay IWW
At their monthly meeting. 
Visit them here

Florida's Pipeline

The 474-mile Sabal Trail pipeline is proposed to run from Alabama to Florida. It would cut through a dozen counties, including Alachua County, according to the pipeline project’s website, but many protestors argued the pipeline may contaminate Florida’s aquifer. here

Solidarity Sunday In The Heights

Jim Shirk with friends

Founder Norwood Orrick with new recruits

Ronny Elliott

Lee's Grocery in The Heights

Did #LoserDonald Pay Pam Bondi To Ignore Trump University?

Ybor Paparazzi

Pat Kemp

Sunday, September 11, 2016

September Solidarity Sunday

Today - 6PM
At Lee's Grocery in The Heights
Tampa Bay Activist Meetup
Join them here

Protest For Lavonia Riggins In Ybor

Ybor City, Florida

Dems Already Gave Up On DINO Patrick Murphy

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has delayed its first week of television ads supporting DINO Patrick Murphy. The DSCC will be turning its attention to other states where they think Democrats can win. Recent internal polls reported by the Miami Herald show a virtual tie between Murphy and Rubio, despite other polling — as well as the Real Clear Politics average — showing Rubio leading by nearly six points. here
No surprise here. 
Floridians like real Democrats.

WTF Hillsborough County Does Nothing About About Our Transportation Needs

Tracks in Tampa looking for trains. 

Rally at Coleman Federal Prison

More here