Saturday, February 8, 2020

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Bernie Wins Iowa!

TBT 2.5.2020

The sham is official


Florida Berner

Stay Focused Berners
Persistence Beats Resistance!

Trump Stain Florida Edition

You will carry this *stain forever.
Your actions will never be forgotten.
Your grandchildren will read about it in their history books. Just like Mitt Romney's 
grand kids will.

Profile in Courage: Mitt Romney

Your spot in history is set. I always knew
you had courage. People say you hang on the edge of greatness,. You have stepped over 
that edge! Thank You!

Pam Bondi Seeking Clients

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Equality Florida in Tallahassee

Parents of transgender children, youth advocates, and healthcare experts came out to the Capitol in FORCE to testify against the dangerous and mean-spirited "transgender youth medical care ban".

While the Florida House subcommittee did not vote on the bill (HB 1365), it was made clear during the hearing that this legislation is driven by people who have no concerns whatsoever for the lives and safety of transgender youth. The same groups who oppose anti-bullying efforts and basic legal protections for LGBTQ Floridians, now seek to put transgender young people into hiding by threatening their doctors with 15 years imprisonment. 

Thank you to all the trans and enby advocates, parents (especially the mama bears!), healthcare experts, and partner organizations whose brave, honest, loving words drowned out the bigoted rhetoric of the anti-LGBTQ extremists the bill's supporters had flown 
in to testify. 

The bill is procedurally DEAD for the 2020 legislative session. But we need to stay vigilant to ensure this bill never sees the light of day.
Photo credit:Equality Florida 

Vlogging with a Nikon in Tampa

Berners in Orlando


Dark Money Jeff Brandes

A St. Pete ordinance that is serving as a national model for dark money reform would be preempted under a last-minute proposal attached to a Senate bill by 
Sen. Jeff Brandes. HERE

Calls on Jax Mayor Lenny Curry to resign

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Bernie Iowa Factor

The Iowa  caucus has worked fine for a very long time. the party decided to use the app only after another proposal for reporting votes — which entailed having caucus participants call in their votes over the phone 
was abandoned

On the advice of Democratic National Committee (DNC) officials, according to David Jefferson, a board member of Verified Voting, a nonpartisan election integrity organization.

Matt Blaze, a professor of computer science and law at Georgetown, said that introducing apps in the midst of an election exposed many problems. The consensus of all experts who have been thinking about this is unequivocal. Internet and mobile voting should not be used at this time 
in civil elections.
Another form of voter suppression, are they trying to make us lose faith in the electoral process or the DNC didn't get the result they wanted? HERE
There Are Enough Irregularities in Iowa Caucus to Suspect Rigging Against Sanders: the Problems HERE

Florida Berner

Stay Focused Berners
Persistence Beats Resistance!

Orlando Recycles


Help Pat Kemp Campaign

"Pat is a pioneer! Paved the way for 
Mariella Smith and Kimberly Overman to make it a Democratic majority - show her some love." Jim Shirk

Go Green Florida

Bernie will...
Legalize marijuana in the first 100 days 
with executive action
Vacate and expunge all past 
marijuana-related convictions

Monday, February 3, 2020

Exclusive Impeachment Trial Footage of Pam Bondi

Berners Needed In West Tampa

We should have an overwhelming showing
of Team Bernie.
OUR REV and Tampa DSA
Show up in Bernie Gear!
An evening of lively debate as local campaign staffers from several presidential campaigns come talk up their candidates. Listen, learn and bring questions! Sign up here

Lets crash the 
Hillsborough County Democrat's party!

Orlando Homeless

Meet Neil

Gwen Graham "We Apologize Iowa"

"On behalf of the state of Florida, I would like to apologize for Sen. Rick Scott penetrating Iowa’s airwaves to smear Joe Biden just days before 
your caucus."

It’s no surprise to see the GOP use Rick Scott as their lead spokesperson to spread their lies. Before buying his way into politics, Scott was connected to one of the largest Medicare frauds in the nation's history — and then pleaded the fifth 75 times.
PolitiFact has rated Rick Scott’s ad “False” because the facts are clear — and on the former vice president’s side. HERE

Have you no sense of decency, sir?
 Became our senator in 2018 by 10,033 votes out of 8.19 million votes cast.

Tampa DSA for Bernie

Downtown Tampa HERE

Florida's private beaches for the wealthy paid by taxpayers

Beachfront property owners, aided by high-priced lobbyists, have stripped local governments’ power to oversee your ability to enjoy the beach.
Wealthy beachfront property owners led by former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, lobbied the Legislature into passing House Bill 631, making it easy for beachfront owners to employ the courts to block the beach. Threatening signs, fences and security guards have been employed to block 
public beach use. HERE

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Warning to my fellow Bernie supporters

Warning: An LONG open letter to my fellow Bernie supporters, especially to any of my "Bernie or Bust" friends.
Dear fellow Bernie supporters,
I mean this in the kindest way possible. I promise.
However, if you've invested absolutely ZERO energy into helping reform the Democratic party after 2016, why on earth would you expect a different result four years later?!??!
For four years, I have been literally begging fellow progressives to help us reform the Democratic party from the inside.
Not only have many refused; but have INSTEAD made our work harder by demonizing the entire Democratic party as opposed to the old guard of the party, therefore discrediting much of the work progressives have done within the Democratic party.
Trust me, I know that you THINK that the people in power within the Democratic party care about your vote. And that all you have to do is refuse to vote for the nominee and therefore "teach the Democratic party a lesson". However, you are WRONG!!!!!!!
Not only does the "old guard" of the Democratic party not care about winning your vote, but Bernie supporters refusing to vote for whichever centrist candidate they shove down our throats; actually allows you to become an easy scapegoat.
Just look back at 2016. The old guard in the Dem party still hasn't accepted ANY responsibility for the stunning loss of the white house. Instead, they have shifted the narrative to place the blame solely on Bernie supporters who didn't vote for Clinton and have managed to demonize all progressives along the way.
Also, the lives of the old guard (and the people who consolidate power in the party) doesn't really change regardless of of whether or not we win. They will still have their privilege, power and opportunity to make money from their positions; regardless of whether or not Democrats win (especially if there are "stubborn" progressives to blame).
Listen if you want to withhold your vote, that's your choice and I am NOT here to shame you for it. Personally, I refuse to withhold my vote because I know that withholding my vote WILL NOT bring about the changes that we so desperately need. Instead, it will HURT the most marginalized members of our society - the very people I'm fighting for. It will not hurt the Democratic Party or the the old guard. Do you see the checkmate here? (And people say that only Republicans know how to play dirty!!)
And while I refuse to vote shame you, I will say this: if you have done NOTHING to help reform the party; please don't act shocked that the DNC is repeating itself from 2016!
Truth bomb: What WILL bring about the changes we so desperately need is actually OCCUPYING the Democratic party, grabbing the voting power internally and making the structural changes within the party needed to support the progressives causes and candidates we care about. In Florida, that means breaking up the weighted vote!
Your local frustrated, battered and exhausted progressive friend/fellow Bernie supporter who has worked inside the Democratic party for the last four years
P.S The party doesn't have to "rig" anything to win. All they have to do is literally change the rules anytime they want (without any input from the voters) right in front of your eyes. That's the extreme power consolidation we have allowed them to have by eliminating our voices from the party.
P.P.S Both parties have engineered statutory laws so that a third party will NEVER be successful. If you really want a multiparty system to rise and thrive, you must first occupy one of the two parties and CHANGE the laws which the powerful members of the party have created (and fiercely guard) purely engineered in order to stop another party from becoming powerful/successful.
<Deep sigh> 
Jessica Vaughn