Friday, April 19, 2024

Ybor Life

7th Ave

Matt Gaetz Fingered as Guest to Underage, Drug-Fueled House Party

Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib criticize ‘appalling’ suspension of Omar’s daughter at Columbia


Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) and Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) slammed the suspension of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-Minn.) daughter from college after she participated in a pro-Palestinian protest on campus.....Read More

BEST CUBAN SANDWICH from a Bakery Over 100 Years Old

Ybor Paparazzi


U.N. Photo Collection Shows Gaza War Through the Lens of Palestinian Journalists

The Gaza Collective Photo Essay project, organized by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), collected work from 14 Palestinian photographers who were each asked to share one image that captured the devastation of the Gaza Strip over the last six months. We speak with Charlotte Cans, head of photography at OCHA, about the project. “It’s one thing to say there’s a war and it’s horrible, and it’s another thing to see an image of a child being pulled out from the rubble. It really hits you differently,” Cans says of the motivation behind the project. “It was really important to elevate the stories coming from Palestinian photojournalists, who are the only window into what is going on in Gaza.”

US Supreme Court to hear arguments over homeless public sleeping bans similar to Florida law

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments on Monday in a case that will determine if it’s constitutional to ban homeless people from sleeping in public — a case that could impact a similar, recently-enacted Florida law.....Read More

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Ybor Seoul on 7th Ave

Visit them here

Ybor City Vibrant Nightlife

Tampa Locavore

Gaby at West Tampa Sanwich Shop

McCarthy Gives Matt Gaetz the News He FEARED MOST

Florida boasts 3 cities on list of best places to live in U.S., Ybor City near top

Three Florida cities made the list of Top 50 best places to live in the U.S., but none of Florida’s major municipalities made the cut.

Ybor City in Tampa came in second on the list of best places to live, only behind Metuchen, New Jersey. Ybor City, only a short distance from Tampa Bay, was described as “the cultural epicenter of one of America’s hottest cities.”

The FISA expansion turning cable installers into spies cannot stand

Buried in a bill the House passed Friday is a provision that would create the largest expansion of government surveillance on U.S. soil since the Patriot Act. The potential for abuse of this new power, included in the House’s reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, is staggering.....Read More

Google employees protest company’s work with Israeli government

Google employees in two different offices protested the company’s work with the Israeli government on Tuesday, objecting to a billion-dollar contract it signed with the U.S. ally in 2021.....Read More

Webinar: Lessons Learned from the 2023 Hurricane Season and What's New for 2024

Join us online next Tuesday, April 23 from 1-2 pm EDT as the NOAA Southeast & Caribbean Regional Team (SECART) and NHC host a webinar on lessons learned from the 2023 hurricane season and what's new for the 2024 products and services.

Register HERE

Ybor Harbor development gets initial approval from Tampa council

The developer behind the Gas Worx project, which aims to link Ybor City with downtown Tampa’s Channelside district, is a step closer to breaking ground on another waterfront development.

The Tampa City Council on Thursday signed off on a rezoning request and development agreement for Ybor Harbor, a proposed 33-acre redevelopment of an industrial area located south of the Selmon Expressway near Ybor City.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

House approves resolution condemning Palestinian rallying cry as antisemitic

The House on Tuesday adopted a resolution condemning as antisemitic the phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” a Palestinian rallying cry.....Read More

Former State Attorney Andrew Warren, Suspended By Florida Gov. DeSantis, Will Seek Re-Election

In a video posted Tuesday morning, former Hillsborough County State Attorney Andrew Warren says he will seek re-election.....Read More

New Hybrid PAC looks to help naturalized citizens, Muslim candidates run for federal office

A newly formed progressive hybrid Political Action Committee (PAC) is looking to support Muslim candidates and naturalized citizens who want to run for federal office.

The group, dubbed “Cavalry PAC,” was filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) last Monday.

Casa Gomez, Casa Marti set to revitalize gateway to Ybor

At the western gateway of the Ybor City Historic District, the rooftop terrace of Casa Gomez has a view of Ybor City’s cultural heritage and its future. 

To the east, the fifth-floor future rooftop bar overlooks Jose Marti Park, the gated courtyard park paying tribute to Ybor’s Cuban heritage and the legendary revolutionary that has been the property of the Cuban government since 1956. Looking southwest, there’s the ambitious mixed-use redevelopment Gas Worx and, past that, downtown Tampa.