Wednesday, May 31, 2006

O’Reilly Defends Marines, Attacks Murtha

O’Reilly debates General Wesley Clark regarding the recent allegations that marines in Iraq slaughtered innocent civilians. O’Reilly chalks the alleged incidents up to stress, and attacks Congressman Murtha for “indicting” the military on national television....more

Key Race Is Seen as a Test of GOP's Vulnerability

Normally, this district is so Republican that Democratic strategist Donna Brazile says it's not just red, but "ruby red."However, with Bush's approval ratings severely hobbled by Iraq and other issues and Cunningham in prison for the biggest corruption case in congressional history, the GOP is running concerned, if not downright scared.....more


McCain Bails on Bilbray (05/30/2006) (press release)After Bilbray Spends Hundreds of Thousands Attacking McCain Immigration Plan, McCain Cancels Fundraiser

'Granny D' in the West Virgina Woods
by Doris "Granny D" Haddock

Doris D. Haddock, known throughout the country as "Granny D," walked across America in support of campaign reform at the age 90. She turned 96 on January 24, 2006......more

Democrats prepare to welcome Howard Dean

Alaska Democrats are getting ready to welcome their outspoken National Committee chairman. Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean will speak at a hundred-dollar-per-head dinner Wednesday at the Anchorage Hilton Hotel. Dean sought the Democratic nomination for president in 2004. He was elected party chairman a year later. He will speak on his 50-state strategy for making the Democratic Party competitive in every state and district across the country.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Exxon-Backed Pundit Compares Gore To Nazi Propagandist


Sterling Burnett is a senior fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis, an organization that has received over $390,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998. This afternoon on Fox, Burnett compared watching Al Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth, to watching a movie by Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels to learn about Nazi Germany. Watch it:

Providing Accurate Information on Energy & Environment Issues

The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won't get much sleep........................ Woody Allen

Democratic candidate packs a house party full
By ALEX LEARY, Times Staff Writer

Blown away by a speech Rod Smith gave in December, Francine Simmons decided to throw a house party for the Democratic candidate for governor Monday....more
Demos can win religious voters, Dean insists

Howard Dean says Democrats must have faith in their ability to attract religious voters....more
If Not Hillary, Then Who?

The next Democratic convention will begin on August 25, 2008. While it's not clear where it will be held, at the moment Hillary Clinton is the odds-on favorite to be the presidential nominee. She has by far the most money and has cornered the market on big-bucks donors. Nonetheless, she's not the favorite of the Democratic rank-and-file, who've united in opposition, if not an alternative.....more

Monday, May 29, 2006

Dean: Frist's Scapegoating of LGBT Families is Wrong

Claiming that marriage "is under attack today," Bill Frist confirmed on Fox News Sunday yesterday that when Congress returns from Memorial Day recess he will use his power not to address critical priorities like the war in Iraq, skyrockeing health care costs and gas prices, the need to protect workers' pensions or raising the minimum wage, but rather will instead pander to the conservative base with a divisive measure.
Instead of finding solutions for the high cost of gasoline, or addressing the crippling costs of health care and the tens of millions of uninsured, Bill Frist and the Republican Senate will bring the divisive Federal Marriage Amendment to the floor of the Senate for a vote, using marriage as a wedge issue, and scapegoating LGBT Americans once again for political gain.....more

Statement by Howard Dean

"America has always been fortunate to rely upon the courage and fortitude of brave men and women of all backgrounds who have answered the call to service. These, the best and bravest our nation has to offer, are true patriots who have served with honor and distinction all over the world-a tradition that continues today, with the men and women fighting the war on terror and serving in Iraq'"Memorial Day is also a stark reminder that gratitude is not enough. Our men and women in uniform deserve civilian leaders who listen to military commanders and provide them the resources they need to complete their mission and come home safely.....more

4 Memorial Day's Later

"When Congress approved the President’s authorization to go to war in Iraq – no matter how well-intentioned – it was giving the green light to the President to set his Doctrine of preemptive war in motion. It now appears that Iraq was just the first step. Already, the Bush Administration is apparently eyeing Syria and Iran as the next countries on its target list".....Howard Dean April 17, 2003
Top 10 Signs of the Impending U.S. Police State
By Allan Uthman May 29, 2006
Is the U.S. becoming a police state? Here are the top 10 signs that it may well be the case.

1. The Internet Clampdown

One saving grace of alternative media in this age of unfettered corporate conglomeration has been the internet. While the masses are spoon-fed predigested news on TV and in mainstream print publications, the truth-seeking individual still has access to a broad array of investigative reporting and political opinion via the world-wide web. Of course, it was only a matter of time before the government moved to patch up this crack in the sky.....more

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Neocons, Democratic Party?
Democratic neocons want to beef up the military and won't run from a fight.

These Democrats want to be seen as anything but the squishes who have led the party to defeat in the past. Interestingly, that's how the early neocons saw themselves too: as liberals fighting to reclaim their party's true heritage — before they decamped to the GOP in the 1980s. Their political champions include Connecticut Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman and such likely presidential candidates as former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner and Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, who is chairman of the Democratic Leadership Council. ....more
A New Open-Source Politics

Will 2008 bring the first Internet president? The Internet lets candidates who catch fire raise millions in small donations practically overnight. That's why all the talk of Hillary Clinton's "war chest" making her the front runner for 2008 is the most hackneyed punditry around.....more
Hayden Hijinks

Unfortunately, there is no opposition party in Washington.
There is, instead, a Democratic Party that, when push comes to shove regularly allows itself to be shoved.
So it come as little surprise that Hayden's nomination has sailed through the Senate, winning approval Friday by a 78-15 vote. Most Democrats, including Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, joined the vast majority of Republicans in rubberstamping George W. Bush's poke-in-the-eye pick to head the CIA......more
Meteorologist Compares Al Gore to Adolf Hitler

In this weekend’s Washington Post magazine, meteorologist Bill Gray – one of the most prominent climate skeptics – directly compared Al Gore to Adolf Hitler:Gore believed in global warming almost as much as Hitler believed there was something wrong with the Jews.It’s telling that so many of the attacks on Al Gore and his movie are ad hominem, not substantive. There really is no credible scientific rebuttal to An Inconvenient Truth, so people are forced to attack the messenger.....more
About the Republican Accusation that Liberals Hate America

"Even Islamic terrorists don't hate America like liberals do. They don't have the energy”. – Ann Coulter

It infuriates me to hear hypocritical Republicans spout off about how “liberals hate America”. In the first place, it’s a meaningless and stupid thing to say, because the phrase “hate America” (or “love America”) can mean so many different things. But saying that “liberals hate America” makes a damn good sound bite, and there are many voters who are swayed by that phrase, under the principle that if you hear something said enough times it must be true. And anyhow, what else do Republicans have to talk about?.....more