Thursday, June 8, 2006

Auntie Pinko
Discouraged by Democratic Losers

I’m depressed and discouraged that San Diego County Democrats couldn’t get a candidate elected to fill the seat of Duke “Show Me the Money” Cunningham....more

DNC Chairman Howard Dean on Bush's Border Failures

"For the last five years, President Bush has failed to secure America's borders. While our northern border remains vulnerable, highlighted by the recent breakup of a terror plot in Toronto just one hundred miles from Buffalo, the President is resorting to more photo-ops along our southern border today.....more
Lara Logan My New Hero
Everybody Should Sue Michael Moore
Pinellas Park, Florida
Bill Nelson's effort to kill so-called Death Tax
"It's time we permanently repeal the tax on possessions that people leave to their children,".....more

A Tax That Affects Only A Few American's
Harris Or This Guy, What A Choice?

Maybe I'll Vote For One Of These Guy's
Floyd Ray Frazier
Brian Moore
Belinda Noah

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Panic in Liebermanland
Crooks and Liars

"Why doesn't Joe, instead of continuing to insist that we are winning in Iraq, come up with a plan either to win (yes, that would take more troops but his friend John McCain is for that option) or to get out?--The whole point of being Joe Lieberman used to be decency, dignity, and thoughtfulness. Lieberman's attack ads look like the appeals of just another sleazy, desperate pol, grasping madly to hold on to office. As one citizen, a Republican, said: We have always held him to the high standard he set for himself. We expected more of Joe."

The Lamont Blog has more on Holy Joe.

Go Ned...

Price of bid ($12.7-million) for GOP shocks mayor

Mayor Pam Iorio said Tuesday the city would spend no more than $1-million to stage the 2008 Republican National Convention, even though bid organizers were counting on millions more....more
Pro-War Pols Don't Deserve a Political Future

Only a total idiot, however, could have bought the most bald-faced lie in the 2002 war resolution: conflating Iraq with the 9/11 terrorists. Accusing Iraq of "continuing to aid and harboring terrorist organizations" like Al Qaeda, the resolution contains 19 variants of the word "terrorism" and 10 references to "September 11, 2001." But Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11....more
Dean on Senate Vote Rejecting Federal Marriage Amendment

"Today, the United States Senate rejected the efforts by President Bush and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist to use the politics of fear and division in an attempt to distract attention from the failure of Republicans in Washington to address the real priorities of the American people....more

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

The World According to Howard Dean
Nathan Tabor

This organization is clearly misnamed. It should be referred to as Liberals for America. Or make that Liberals against the American President. Democrats who veer from the radical liberal line and dare to say a kind word for a Republican President need not apply for any political post—even if they do have a winning record....more

Stogie's E-Mail To Mr. Tabor

mr. tabor, i am sorry but the whole piece was false. i am a proud dfa member myself. the war in iraq? big mistake.....

"president’s war on terror"?.... "In a time of war—when our nation’s security is at stake"?

..... hogwash. meme for the fox crowd. do you think all americans are stupid. supporting the nominations of Justices Roberts and Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court? was not a good thing, i dont care what most americans think. it is becouse of people like you putting out dis-information that they think that way.
As far as Mr. Lieberman, i am sure he is a fine man. but if he wants to be a democrat, he better start acting like one.

as far as this

"And the irony here is that Democracy for America is adopting policy stands which, if put up for a democratic vote of the people, would probably lose hands-down"

i think you are dead wrong. we are mainstream america

"This organization is clearly misnamed. It should be referred to as Liberals for America. Or make that Liberals against the American President. Democrats who veer from the radical liberal line and dare to say a kind word for a Republican President need not apply for any political post—even if they do have a winning record."

who is calling who names? we are not radicals. we are democrats. and there is no radical liberal line if you took the time to read the party platform you would know that. i am honored that someone like you would have this chat with me. you have gained a new reader. peace, stogie

Dean to Republicans: Stop Using Marriage to Pander to Base, Deflect from Failed Leadership

A new Gallup poll that shows the American people want Congress and the Republicans in Washington to focus on real issues like Iraq, immigration, health care, energy costs, the economy, the war on terrorism and education. (Gallup, 6/5/06) But, instead of addressing these issues, Washington Republicans have once again ripped a page from the Karl Rove playbook by using marriage as a wedge issue to win elections by dividing Americans.....more

Monday, June 5, 2006

Dean Rallies Gay Democrats
Doreen Brandt,

"I want to start today by thanking you for standing with me," told the conference Saturday night. "Not just through the recent controversy over my CBN interview, but for standing with me as we have fought side by side for equal rights under the law for all Americans. That fight continues, and the Democrat Party is standing with you by leading the fight against discrimination, and by helping you meet your electoral objectives this fall.....more

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Librarians Defy the FBI

The FBI ordered four librarians to turn over patrons' library records and shut up about it. The librarians refused to do either.....more

Yeehaw's Destiny awaits
A developer makes Florida's biggest land deal since Disney acquired its site 40 years ago.

Last year Pugliese, a developer here, joined with the founder of the Subway fast-food chain to make a successful $137-million bid for 27,400 acres of pasture land in southern Osceola County's Yeehaw Junction.
Last year Pugliese, a developer here, joined with the founder of the Subway fast-food chain to make a successful $137-million bid for 27,400 acres of pasture land in southern Osceola County's Yeehaw Junction.....more

Chemical Test Were Conducted Here In 1968.....more
Conservative Christians: "they are not very friendly....they all behave the same, and they all look the same.".....Howard Dean
Sean Hannity Attacks Howard Dean For Helping New Orleans’ Ninth Ward
Alan Colmes did a pre-recorded interview with Howard Dean that was relegated to the next-to-last segment on Friday night’s Hannity & Colmes.
“If we were in charge, we’d have the National Guard in here, with an enormous amount of federal support. We’d have a FEMA that actually works for people and we’d be restoring all this. Look, it’s not rocket science to do this.....more