Sunday, October 22, 2006

United States numb to Iraq troop deaths

With the U.S. military death toll hitting 2,787 on Friday, and with 73 deaths so far in October, it is shaping up to be the deadliest month for U.S. forces since the Falluja offensive two years ago.
Analysts said even local media coverage struggles to overcome the numbing affect of the steady flow of deaths.........more

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Could an 'October surprise' shape U.S. election?

A last-minute "October surprise" -- a dramatic news event that shakes up the U.S. election -- could be a wild card in the final three weeks of the fight for control of Congress. With Democrats threatening to sweep Republicans out of power in Congress in the Nov. 7 elections, a late-breaking foreign crisis, terrorist attack or another Washington scandal could change the debate and shape the ultimate outcome......more
The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No.
Olbermann: The Day Habeas Corpus Died

Today, 135 years to the day after the last American President (Ulysses S. Grant) suspended habeas corpus, President Bush signed into law the Military Commissions Act of 2006. At its worst, the legislation allows President Bush or Donald Rumsfeld to declare anyone — US citizen or not — an enemy combatant, lock them up and throw away the key without a chance to prove their innocence in a court of law. In other words, every thing the Founding Fathers fought the British empire to free themselves of was reversed and nullified with the stroke of a pen, all under the guise of the War on Terror.......more

Saturday, October 14, 2006


An unflinching look at the human faces of war-ravaged here

A Little Conserva-tive

This essay first appeared in The Atlantic Monthly in October here
Sowing the Seeds of Fascism in America

Author Stan Goff, a retired 26-year veteran of the U.S. Army Special Forces, sounds a warning call that many of the historical precursors of fascism—white supremacy, militarization of culture, vigilantism, masculine fear of female power, xenophobia and economic destabilization—are ascendant in America today......more

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Willie Nelson: Vote the Bastards Out!

When I wrote the song "Whatever Happened to Peace on Earth" (LYRICS) at Christmastime in 2003, a lot of people were for the war, a lot of people didn't know the facts or the truth. But people are waking up now. They're learning that they were lied to about the war......more
Iraq: The Reality

The overthrow of Saddam Hussein was supposed to bring them freedom democracy and peace. But murder, kidnap and lawlessness have become the facts of life for the people of Iraq. In an exclusive extract from his new book, Patrick Cockburn describes the terrifying disintegration of a nation.....more

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Open Season on Gays in Washington

The scandal surrounding US Congressman Mark Foley's inappropriate messages to a teenage boy threaten to damage Republican chances in a tight midterm election next month. Faced with a disaster at the polls, the GOP has begun fighting back with mounting ferocity -- including a witch hunt against gays.......more
War Crimes Report Shows US Violations of International Law and Demands Prosecution of US Military and Civilian Leaders

The violence of the Iraq War, the chaos that has come to Iraq, can be traced directly to the illegality of the invasion and occupation of that country and the illegality of the tactics and weapons being used to maintain the occupation. "U.S. War Crimes in Iraq and Mechanisms for Accountability" documents these violations and calls on us all to demand investigation and prosecution of violations of international law by military and civilian leaders......more

Neocons Call for Action Against N. Korea

Encouraging Japan to build nuclear weapons, shipping food aid via submarines, and running secret sabotage operations inside North Korea's borders are among a raft of policy prescriptions pushed by prominent U.S. neoconservatives in the wake of Pyongyang's nuclear test.......more

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


You Can Visit Mr. Sousa's
Ned's New Ad, Howard Dean Is So Proud

Scaremonger - a person who spreads frightening rumors and stirs up trouble
More At "Fire Dog Lake"

A splendid achievement

George Bush should be congratulated - he has surely earned the right to join the ranks of despots.....more

Monday, October 9, 2006

The Secret Letter From Iraq

A Marine's letter home, with its frank description of life in "Dante's inferno," has been circulating through generals' in-boxes. We publish it here with the author's approval.......more
North Korea's nuclear capabilities

Some experts estimate that at least 80 percent of the country's stockpile of 44 to 116 pounds of refined plutonium was processed since the end of the freeze in 2002......more
Righteous posturing blinds commission to its own hypocrisy

All this might have been funny if that kind of if-you-don't-agree-you're-against-God talk wasn't so dangerous. Even when it's ridiculous, off-point and irrelevant, history shows it can still pack the house......more

Vote....Joe Redner