Monday, November 20, 2006

Hil's no dump Dean fan
Her camp sez Carville on his own in coup bid

James Carville's attempt to topple Howard Dean as chairman of the Democratic National Committee failed after state party officials and even a vocal critic of Dean crushed the coup. The Clintonistas don't want an undeserved backlash from the activist wing of the party that overwhelmingly supports Dean......more
The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No.
Republicans plot to bring down Pelosi ... and Clinton with her

The Republican strategy is not only to undermine Mrs Pelosi's control of the House but also to associate her in voters' minds with Senator Hillary Clinton, the frontrunner for the 2008 Democrat presidential nomination. "Two years of Pelosi gives a good idea of what four years of Hillary will be like," said Tom DeLay "They are both committed liberals and we will make that clear to the American people.".......more
U.S. is most unfriendly country to visitors
There is more fear of our immigration officials than of terrorism or crime
Rude immigration officials and long delays in processing visas have turned the United States into the world's most unfriendly country for international travelers, according to a global survey released on Monday.....more

Play "Fantasy Congress"
New League, Teams Available

As in other fantasy sports, you – the Citizen – draft a team of real-life legislators from the U.S. Congress and score points for your team’s successes.....more

Fantasy Congress?

Bush faces storm of protest in Indonesia
Far from the smiles and happy waves he saw from his armored limousine at his previous stop in Vietnam, the US president faced intense opposition and even calls for his blood from Indonesian Muslims angry over the Iraq war and the US military presence in Afghanistan.....more
Neocons blame Bush for Iraq fiasco

So much for their calamitous "Project for A New American Century," which laid out the agenda to transform several Arab nations to their liking. It also meant sending Americans to kill and die for reasons yet to be explained by the president....more

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Don't say we didn't warn ya!

Here we go. The election is over, and George knows he can count on Lapdog Lieberman's vote when this bill comes up before the Senate. Joe already made it clear how he'd vote when he said yesterday that we MUST stay the course in Iraq.Which would mean (if you're keeping score at home) that the Senate will be divided 50-50 on the bill, giving Dick Cheney the tie-breaking vote......more
The New Democratic Party
Howard Dean Defends 50-State Strategy
Democratic chairman Howard Dean on Friday took a swipe at Washington critics who questioned his strategy of spending money in all 50 states, dismissing them as the "old Democratic Party." "It was a great win for what I call the new Democratic Party," Dean said in a speech to the Association of State Democratic Chairs. "This is the new Democratic Party. The old Democratic Party is back there in Washington, sometimes they still complain a little bit.".......more

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Putnam Wants To Know: Where Were The Rednecks?

“White rednecks” who “didn’t show up to vote for us” partly cost GOPers their cong. majorities, Rep. Adam Putnam (R-FL) told fellow Republicans today......more