Monday, May 14, 2007

Cathy vs. Leilani
Two Great Writers With Different Opinions
I think our fundamental disagreement is that you think there are bountiful opportunities for blacks (and really, the poor in general) to succeed, where as I feel that there are not and that efforts to provide programs for these people are continually undermined by the very people who are supposed to serve them and help them......more
The World's Most Hated Blogger?
With scant income, assets, or business savvy, the would-be real-estate mogul managed to purchase eight homes in hopes of reselling them at a profit. Along the way, he's lost all of them, run up some $170,000 in credit card and credit line debt, and launched to share his woes with the

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Turks Know How To Throw A Rally
Why Can't We Do That?
More than a million demonstrators took to the streets in Turkey today demanding their country remain a secular republic. The protesters say they feel the pro-Islamic ruling party threatens the nation's modern foundations......more

"No way for sharia"

Mother's for Peace

VideoVets: Shelly Burgoyne

The Winds Of Change In Cuba
"Once a year or so, a team of reporters and photographers from the Miami Herald... slips into Cuba against that government's Machiavellian press restrictions, drive around the country dressed as tourists, and work as carefully and quickly as they can, talking with people about what's really going on."The Herald task's when it comes to covering Cuba is thankless. The extremists on both sides always think the coverage is slanted -because it doesn't say what they want to say.......more.....via sotp
End The Embargo On The Cuban People
George Gets His Purple Heart Medal
A Jack Russell terrier who was mauled to death while saving five New Zealand children from an attack by two pit bulls is being honoured with a posthumous bravery medal. George, who had a heart problem, won fame after defending five children from the pit bulls in the small North Island town of Manaia a week and a half ago.......more
Moms Spend Their Weekend Protesting War in Iraq
Antiwar activists from around the country will celebrate Mothers Day by converging on Washington, DC, where they will demand Congress end the U.S. occupation of Iraq. Five days of activism, sponsored by the women-for-peace group CODEPINK and "peace mom" Cindy Sheehan's Gold Star Families for Peace, will culminate in what organizers call a "Mother of a March" on May 14........more

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Celtic Woman - Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring

Take Action May 26th, 27th, 28th. As citizens, we honor and support our troops for their service and sacrifice.
As Americans, we are blessed by that sacrifice and support, which keeps us safe and keeps us strong.As patriots, we call on our government to support our troops in the most important way it can - by ending this war and bringing them home.
This Memorial Day weekend, we will all take responsibility for the country we love and the men and women who protect it. We will volunteer, we will pray, and we will speak out. Each of us has a responsibility to act, a duty to our troops and to each other. Support the troops. End the war.