Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ron Paul: This Election Will Be Held On The Internet

Pinellas Park - June 20, 2007
Bush Has Turned His Back on the American People
Howard Dean
Bush's veto of life-saving stem cell research is just another example of how out of touch he is with the American people, Bush once again put political posturing ahead of sound science,turning his back on the overwhelming majority of Americans who support stemcell research and the 100 million Americans suffering from debilitating diseases who could benefit from this life-saving
Ron Paul Not Invited
Iowans for Tax Relief and Iowa Christian Alliance will host a presidential candidates forum on Saturday, June 30th in Des Moines. Ron Paul won't be there, he was told he was not invited; he was not going to be invited; and he would not be allowed to participate. The one Republican candidate who scored at the top of every online poll taken after the MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN debates............more

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Republicans for Obama is an organization founded by proud party members who all share one important trait— we are Americans first and Republicans second. (Even if it is a close second.) Collectively, we have campaigned, worked for, and voted Republican all our lives, but recognize that our Country needs a new kind of leader at this
Clearwater - June 19, 2007
Public Approval Dumpster
The Bravest Woman in Afghanistan
Malalai Joya
Afghanistan's most outspoken female lawmaker has been suspended for the rest of her term after she publicly criticized the Afghan parliament. For years Malalai Joya has been a leading critic of her government and the U.S. role in her country. She's faced constant harassment and attempts on her life for her views.....more
Ybor City Rail

Monday, June 18, 2007

Liberal Or Progressive?
Some Democrats Abandon The `L' Word
When is a liberal conference not a liberal conference? When it's a progressive one.
Therein lies no small bit of controversy among the ever-churning American

"In the end, a label is less important, What matters is we're all at the table meeting and developing a path to action.".......Carolyn Castore
I Stll Like Liberal Best.