Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Terrorists Are Coming From Cuba

Liberal Radio At 1340am
Meet Jonathan Sands
It's 2pm, Rob's show is over on WMNF, not in the mood for blues, try Jonathan Sands At WTAN
American Still No.1
Even the greatest empires hurt when they lose wars. It is not surprising then that Iraq weighs so heavily on the American psyche. Most Americans want to get out as soon as possible, surge or no surge; many more wish they had never invaded the country in the first place. But for a growing number of Americans the superpower's inability to impose its will on Mesopotamia is symptomatic of a deeper

Friday, June 29, 2007

John Edwards At Lowry Park

The CIA, The Mob, And Castro
In 1960, Santo Trafficante's high life in Cuba had come crashing down, thanks to Fidel Castro.
Once a major player in the Havana gambling paradise, Trafficante had seen his casinos taken away by the Communist leader.......more
"People think this guy's a hero, some kind of Robin Hood, but he's just a crook like the rest of us,"...... Santo Trafficante
Opens In Tampa Bay
Africa Still Loves America
A new report charting global attitudes shows America's image sagging around the globe — but not in Africa, where the Stars and Stripes still symbolize strength and wealth. In fact, America is more popular in several African nations than even in America. Culturally, many Africans feel closer to the United States, where they perceive Africans and their influences have been more closely integrated than in

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Stogie Grades The Debate
Best Dressed: Mike Gravel
Dennis Kucinich A+ - Hillary Clinton A - Chris Dodd B+ - Mike Gravel B - Joe Biden B-
Barack Obama C+ - John Edwards C - Bill Richardson C-
I Also Hate Nazis
I would rather live in Bartlett Park, with its crime, drugs, and litter, than spend one moment more having Nazi supremacists sympathize with me. I know I have more choices than that, but the past week has given me the perspective that where I sit ain’t so bad, after all.......more
Howard Dean
Race Is About Values
It won’t be complex and detailed positions on the issues that win back the White House for Democrats in 2008, voters will make up their minds based on the values of the candidates for president. Nobody has made up his or her mind to support a candidate because of a 26-page health care plan, I don’t even remember all the details of my own plan.”