Friday, July 13, 2007

Governor Dean Responds to Bush

Michael Moore on Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Honk To Impeach!
According to the polls, a majority of Americans support the impeachment of George Bush and Dick Cheney. But few Americans know there is a nationwide grassroots impeachment movement because the Corporate Media refuses to report on our efforts on orders from Karl Rove. So what can we do about it? How about making some old-fashioned noise - and breaking new ground in high-tech grassroots organizing! HonkToImpeach is

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Drug That Kid
Or Get Off The Plane
A woman said she and her toddler son were kicked off a plane after she refused a flight attendant's request to medicate her son to get him to quiet down and stop saying "Bye bye, plane."

Bye Bye, Flight Attendant
Giant 'Corpse-Eating' Badgers
Invade Iraq
The Iraqi port city of Basra, already prey to a nasty turf war between rival militia factions, has now been gripped by a scary rumour – giant badgers are stalking the streets by night, eating
Watch the

Local Bumpers 6

Candidate Web Sites
Propaganda or News?
In 2004, former Vermont Governor Howard Dean gained early momentum in his bid for presidency by using a new political tool, his campaign Web site. Setting new standards along the way, he used the Web to help raise roughly $50 million, to communicate directly with supporters through a blog, create a legion of new political activists called “Deaniacs,” and even organize gatherings called “meet ups.”
Dunedin - July 11, 2007