Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Samm Simpson's Encounter With Senator Bill Nelson

Last Saturday I happened to see Senator Bill Nelson in the hallway at the Democratic convention in Orlando. The Saturday night dinner - which I didn't atttend - had been in progress for fifteen minutes and Senator Nelson was in a side hallway, looking for an open door. Here's the exchange - to the best of my
"We are not on the same side, you signed the Military Commisions Act last October, you took away the writ of habeas corpus!

Screw The Florida Democratic Party

This has been a terrible time in our state to see the way the state Democrats broke the rules deliberately, worked with the GOP to do so. And then accused Dean of stealing our votes. Amazing how many fell for it
With Bill Nelson Leading The Way.

In Burma, Child Soldiers Bought And Sold

The former Burma is so desperate to replenish its army after desertions and attrition that children are bought and sold by military recruiters. They are beaten and held as virtual prisoners while the government denies it is
Why Doesn't China Do Something. Am I Suppose To Watch And Enjoy The Upcoming Olympic Games?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tampa Bay's Dropout Factories

East Bay, Hillsborough, King, Leto, Plant City, Robinson, Jefferson, Tampa Bay Tech, Bloomingdale, Wharton

Boca Ciega, Clearwater, Dixie Hollins, Dunedin, Gibbs, Lakewood, Pinellas Park, St. Petersburg,
Seminole, Osceola

Monday, October 29, 2007

Sunday Show Roundup: The Rhetoric of Iran

Weekend Protests Target War Funding

Tens of thousands of people across the United States staged demonstrations over the weekend to protest the continued U.S. occupation of Iraq and the White House's reported plans to attack Iran. Organised by a diverse array of anti-war groups, the nationwide protests were held in more than 10 major cities, including New York, Boston, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and In


Litbrit And Susan Smith
Winners of the First Annual Netroots

Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Liberal Re-Thinks Ron Paul

Let's Bomb The Persians 2

Neo-Con Guru Norman Podhoretz
A senior foreign policy adviser to the Republican frontrunner Rudy Giuliani has urged that Iran be bombed using cruise missiles and "bunker busters" to set back Teheran’s nuclear programme by at least five years. The tough message at a time of crisis between the United States and Iraq was delivered by Norman Podhoretz, one of the founders of neoconservatism, who has also imparted his stark advice personally to a receptive President George W. Bush......more

Dean Lashes Out At GOP

Chairman Howard Dean on Saturday criticized Republicans in Congress for not supporting legislation to expand a popular children's health care

"The Republican leaders have made their choice. They want to stay in Iraq and deny our kids health care, America cannot afford four more years of a president who borrows for the war and denies health insurance for our kids"

Bush vetoes 3.5 billion for SCHIP wants $46 billion more for

How Do You Spin Something Like This?