Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super Tuesday’s Biggest Loser: Rush Limbaugh

The truly most divisive figure in the 2008 race is not Hillary Clinton, it’s John McCain. His ascendancy has ripped the Republican Party asunder — and his most vicious and vocal conservative opponents include the loudest mouths in America: Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and, especially, Rush Limbaugh. As has been stated here before, it is too early to write the obituaries for the conservative movement, but the results from the Feb. 5, 2008, primary do provide evidence that these Reagan era dinosaurs are losing their sway among their own

Dinosaur World in Plant City, Florida

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Robert De Niro Campaigns With Obama

"I've never made a speech like this at a political event before. So what am I doing here. I'm here because finally one person has inspired me. One person has given me hope. One person has made me believe that we can make a change.".......... Robert De Niro

Jack Nicholson Endorses Hillary

Florida Gets An 'F' For Insurance System

Florida has one of the least effective property and casualty insurance systems in the country, according to a new study that gave Florida and four other states an 'F' grade. Florida had the worst rating in the residual homeowners category, which measures how much of the market is served by government-provided insurance. Jacksonville-based Citizens Property Insurance Corp., the state-run insurer of last resort, is No. 1 in statewide market share.........more

Valerie Plame-Wilson At USF

February 12, 2008- 7 pm, Sun Dome Corral, Tickets: Free for USF Students with valid USF ID, $3- USF Faculty, Staff, and Alumni with valid USF ID, $8- Public, more

DFA Uncounted House Party

In homes across America, DFA members are gathering on February 13 to reveal the truth about our voting system. Please join fellow DFA members, friends, and family for the new documentary film,

Amy Goodman Interview

Amy Goodman is one of the leading journalists of our time. She is executive producer and host of Democracy Now, a daily, independent radio and television news program broadcast on 650 stations around the

Yes We Can

Vote Obama 2008

Monday, February 4, 2008

Florida Voters Sign Sworn Statements As To How They Voted

Voters, in fact the majority, were actually filling out the poll—it could also be called a survey—AND printing their names at the top and signing a statement swearing, affirming, or attesting that they voted the way they did. This form was drawn up by people with law degrees, Mark Adams being the mastermind, to stand up in court to PROVE fraud, if the official count differs significantly, especially if the candidate winning was not the one to receive the majority of

Demonstration On Dale Mabry Highway

Get The FARC Out Of Columbia