Sunday, April 20, 2008

Faye Armitage - The Better Choice for Florida’s Environment

On April 22nd, 2008, we will celebrate Earth Day. Faye Armitage, who is running for Congress against John Mica in District 7, is the smart choice to help protect Florida and the Nation’s natural

GOP Women: Pro-Lifers Can't Forget Abused Kids

This is not a partisan issue, yet we belong to the party whose members often advocate for pro-life issues. I cannot imagine a more pro-life stance than advocating for state funding for living children who have been abused or abandoned by their

Friday, April 18, 2008

Clearwater Beach Opens Piece Of Beach Walk Project

When the summer beach season arrives in May, locals and visitors will see a Clearwater Beach vastly different from last year's version, at least at the southern

UF Strikers Feeling Effects Of Protest

Six of 11 student protesters are still fasting until they can talk about UF's investment policy with UF President Bernie Machen, but they're dropping fast. Two have already fainted after nearly a week, protesters

Florida Lawmakers Busy With Menus

Troubled by restaurants that don't disclose the price of their specials, Aventura Commissioner Bob Diamond is pushing the county to adopt a law requiring eateries to, at the very least, tell diners how much each special

Thursday, April 17, 2008

War Inc

Howard Dean April 17, 2003

When Congress approved the President’s authorization to go to war in Iraq – no matter how well-intentioned – it was giving the green light to the President to set his Doctrine of preemptive war in motion. It now appears that Iraq was just the first step. Already, the Bush Administration is apparently eyeing Syria and Iran as the next countries on its target

Florida Doesn't Like Bush Rubberstamps

"That kind of divisive language is part of the reason why Mario Diaz-Balart was recently ranked 406th in Congress and last in bringing Florida taxpayers their fair share of benefits. The Diaz-Balarts are like the Sixth Sense -- they are dead, they just don't know it."........Joe Garcia

Glenis Redmon In Tampa Bay

Monday, May 5th, 2008

Florida Legislators Busy With Testicles

A discussion in the Florida Legislature on Thursday turned a bit awkward Thursday.
The subject? Replicas of bull testicles hanging from vehicles. In some parts of Florida, it has become fashionable to attach the reproductions to the back of pickup