Saturday, May 23, 2009

Picnic Island Beach Closed

County health officials say the high levels of bacteria indicate fecal pollution, which could cause disease, infections or rashes if a swimmer ingests the

Jordan Valdez Of Tampa

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Valdez

Dream Boy In Ybor City

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Muvico Centro Ybor - 7:30pm

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Beverly Edwards of Arden, North Carolina

Left her 96-year-old aunt at a local Salvation Army shelter in Bradenton , then left for a Walt Disney World vacation with no plans to return for

I Love You, Jasmine

Jasmine Bedwell collapsed in tears outside the courthouse after a reporter asked for her reaction to McTear telling her he loved her in

The Silent Witness On Davis Islands

Police say they can't prove who was driving the Nissan Murano that killed a homeless woman in a hit-and-run case three months ago. But they haven't used all the investigative tools at their disposal..........more
Had the driver of the Murano stopped at the time of the crash, it's likely that no charges or even a traffic ticket would have been sought.

Strip Club King: Trailer

Jennifer Porter Should Be In Jail

Jennifer Porter, the former schoolteacher who drove away after hitting four children and killing two, was denied her request to end probation this

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Creative Loafing Summer Guide: Pam Iorio

The Bruised Knight's Ybor City Adventure

I was floored by this little jewel of activity in an otherwise bleh state. I make no lie I don’t find much awe inspiring beauty in Florida *well there was that one girl on the bar at Coyote Ugly but I digress.*