Monday, July 26, 2010

April Griffin for Hillsborough County School Board

April Griffin is being challenged by a right wing fundamentalist who seems about the worst kind of religious fanatic you can find. His name is Terry Kemple and he is a proud Teabagger. He is an anti-science creationist who also opposes sex-ed in schools and believes in the discredited abstinence only program. This is precisely the kind of fool we want to keep OFF our school boards.
It is exactly this kind of race that gets ignored by progressives, allowing right wing fundamentalists to extend their control.

The Renegade Pigs

Are a motorcycle club here in Tampa. The club members consist 100% of law enforcement officers.

Ybor City Tattoo Company Benefit for Fallen Tampa Police Officers Curtis & Kocab

Ybor Chickens



Tampa's Hottest Charity Costume Party
July 31 at 7:00
MyPlace Bar & Grill
4944 E. Busch Blvd. - Tampa

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Shelley The Republican: God’s Hitlist

Enemies Of The Homeland
God’s People Hitlist:

God Wants Them Dead Because They Harm America!
Some On The List
Barack Obama - Alex Jones - Charly & Martin Sheen - Mike Malloy - Michael Moore - Nancy Pelosi
Harry Reid - James Cameron - Hillary, Bill And Chelsea Clinton - Al Gore -
Al Franken - Ron Paul
God Bless America!

Celebrations Of Tampa Bay


Squeeze Me, Love Me, Hold Me Accountable

I'd mention the drilling thing. I'd mention the public option thing. I wouldn't understand his explanation of why, but I'd mention the Afghanistan build-up. I'd mention that it's probably a shitty idea to fire people before you know what the full story

Tampa Firefighter Rescues Baby

Friends Of Stogie

In Tampa

What Stogie Had For Dinner

Hot Garlic Wings
$6.99........At My Place In Tampa
Eat Local!