Monday, October 31, 2011

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Meat Loaf
With Yellow Rice, Black Beans, Corn and Salad
$6.95 At Airport Variety Store, 4600 Roosevelt Blvd, Clearwater
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!
If you are anywhere near the St.Pete/Clearwater Airport you have to stop here.
Best pork sandwich in Tampa Bay!

I Am Funkier Than You

I Get My News From
WMNF 88.5

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Republicans Shake Down Tampa Hotels

"A crowd of hotel managers gathered in the ballroom of the Wyndam Tampa Westshore on Wednesday expecting a routine update on plans for the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa." Instead, a new convention contractor delivered a shock: Hotels are expected to throw out year-old room contracts with the convention's Republican organizers and sign new agreements with lower room rates.

Bryan David Sullivan And Sean Everett Davidson Of Lake City

Two managers at a local Domino’s Pizza have been charged with arson in the Oct. 20 fire that charred the interior of one of their competitors, Papa John’s pizzeria of Lake City.
Their intent was to increase business at their restaurant.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa
Tampa Bay Homeless

2011 Florida Netroots Awards Local Winners

Best Local Blog: The Ybor City Stogie
Thank You Everyone.
Best National Blog and Best State Blog: Saint Petersblog
Best Media Blog: The Buzz
Best Use of Twitter: Progress Florida
Best Post: Peter Schorsch
The Rest

Granny On Scooter

US 19 Clearwater


On Fletcher Ave in Tampa

Howard Dean

I'm going to get straight to the point. If the so-called Super Committee votes to increase the age of Medicare eligibility from 65 to 67, it will completely erase all the gains we made in providing healthcare to every American under President Obama.

Medicare is the only universal healthcare program that exists in the United States of America. No one who supports moving back the age of eligibility can possibly be considered an advocate for universal health insurance.

In fact, if that happens, the legacy of the Democrats for the past four years will have been to do far more harm to the healthcare system than good.

By raising the age of eligibility from 65 to 67, hard working Americans who are in their 50's or 60's, and cannot afford insurance under the current system will have to wait two additional years before Medicare kicks in. They would be forced to stay in the private healthcare system - if they can afford it.

I personally know people who are on crutches this year because they cannot afford the hip replacement they need until they turn 65 a year from now.

It also means that you'll have more people putting off care for an extended period of time and entering the system as more expensive Medicare recipients. This could actually increase overall spending on Medicare -- eliminating much or all of the "savings" the Super Committee may imagine they can achieve with these cuts.

This is bad policy and we have to stop it. I will personally not support any candidate for any office that attempts to cut back Medicare in this way. Democracy for America is preparing right now to run aggressive campaigns, including hard-hitting TV ads, against anyone -- Republican or Democrat -- who supports increasing the age of Medicare eligibility.

We've succeed in bringing Washington politicians to their senses before and we can do it again. Because when we work together, we win.

Thank you for everything you do.


Governor Howard Dean, MD
Founder, Democracy for America

Welcome To Tampa

Expect Delays