Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tea Party In Tampa

 Obama Is Targeting Whites And Christians
According to John Junstrom of Tampa who along with his crazy comrades hung out at IRS office in Tampa. Decked in red, white and blue and waving American flags, some in the crowd of about 120 people on Columbus Drive wore shirts declaring themselves patriots, proud to be Americans.
Wasn't the head of the IRS at the time this was going on appointed by President Bush?

Florida's Bill Nelson - Let The Poor Starve

 28 Senate Democrats voted with the Republicans
Our own Bill Nelson was one of them.
Kirsten Gillibrand a Dem. from NY proposed to restore the $4 billion that the current farm bill--designed by Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Thad Cochran (R-MS)--cuts from SNAP (Supplemental Food Assistance, known as food stamps and to offset this restored funding with a limitation on crop insurance reimbursements. Our current crop insurance subsidies benefit large farms at the expense of smaller ones and are one of the many glaring manifestations of corporate welfare that Congress never fixes.  Gillibrand's amendment would, in essence, cut corporate welfare spending to restore social welfare spending.......more
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Nelson will be a speaker at the Democratic Party's Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. This is the guy the FDP wants to run for governor? Check out Nan Rich. A real democrat.

Tampa protests Florida Senator Marco Rubio

 Protesters gathered in front of Senator Marco Rubio’s Tampa office to criticize the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill currently being debated in the U.S. Senate and to demand, “Legalization for all!”
Poor guy he is getting it from all directions.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Tampa Light Brigade

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Students Irises Scanned At A Polk County School

JJ-Gate: Liberal Champion Nan Rich

Alot is being said about the Florida Democratic Party not allowing Nan Rich to speak at the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. RPOF chairman Lenny Curry is loving every minute. Here's a message he sent out to Democrat Voters in Florida, and they have launch a "FreeNanRich" Twitter campaign.
Anthony Man of the Sun Sentinel writes "Republicans are having some fun rubbing salt in the Democratic Party wounds over the state Democratic chairwoman’s refusal to allow gubernatorial candidate Nan Rich a speaking slot at the big party fundraising dinner next month in Hollywood." But fellow Tampa Bay liberal blogger Michael Hussey of Pushing Rope said it best when he wrote: " This has less to do with the FDP and more to do with the DNC clearing the way for a Charlie Crist or Bill Nelson campaign." Why does the Democratic Party always brush aside as Howard Dean put it many years ago "The Democratic wing of the Democratic Party". Lets look at who is speaking, Charlie Crist? Ex Republican, Debbie Wasserman Schultz? Democrat In Name Only and Bill Nelson? Center Right at best.

The Citrus Taliban Protest 'Gay Day

Several Religious Right groups are protesting Disney's annual 'Gay Day' at their theme parks. The Florida Family Association has two airplanes flying banners in English and Spanish over Central Florida, warning people to avoid Disney World because there will be people “promoting their various alternative lifestyles.” The Christian-advocate group One Million Moms claims Gay Day “is planned with the intent to expose and desensitize children to this lifestyle by
same-sex couples holding hands, hugging and kissing.”
In their e-newsletter, One Million Moms states: "How would you feel if you entered the Magic Kingdom anticipating a normal day of fun with your family only to witness thousands of same-sex couples holding hands, hugging, kissing and wearing tee-shirts that promoted their lifestyle?"
“Gay Day” at Disney World is EVIL!
Cash is good no matter where it comes from. Walt Disney World merchandise shops are preparing for the upcoming annual Gay Days event at the Magic Kingdom. Shops within the theme park are featuring red shirts with rainbow-colored Mickey Mouse heads, as well as rainbow mugs, wallets and more.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Rally At MacDill For Bradley Manning

For more pics here
I must say the 2 TPD officers that were there were very nice. They even stopped  traffic on  Dale Mabry so the protesters could get across.

Rep. Kathy Castor’s Exceptional Courage

In a first for U.S. politics, a Florida member of Congress is becoming a figurehead for the U.S. movement to normalize relations with Cuba. The Center for Democracy in the Americas, a Washington-based advocacy group, highlights Rep. Kathy Castor’s increasingly prominent role by honoring her on June 27 for “exceptional courage” in speaking and acting in favor
of dropping the U.S. embargo and travel ban.
Pic: Ms. Castor with Cuban dissident/blogger Yoani Sanchez Mar 29, 2013 in DC.

Endangered Tiger Cub Trio Born at Busch Gardens

Three endangered Malayan Tiger cubs were born at Busch Gardens Tampa on March 31. The litter consists of two males and one female, each weighing between six and seven pounds.