Saturday, October 26, 2013

Allen West Condemns Rep. Alan Grayson's Tea Party - KKK Comparison

Wait, isn't this the guy that in 2011 compared the Democratic Party to the
 What cojones this guy has.

I Am Dennis Ross

New national poll suggests Dennis Ross could be in trouble. Ross’ approval rating is also upside down at 23% approve/38% disapprove. Two-thirds of voters in this district opposed the government shutdown. Against a generic Democrat, Ross trails 38% to 45%; he is down 42% to 50% when the respondent is informed Ross supported the government shutdown........more

Democrat George Sheldon Enters Florida AG Race Against Bondi

Former Department of Children & Families Secretary George Sheldon has announced he’ll run against Attorney General Bondi, criticizing her judgment and performance in office.
Read more>
Taking on predatory lenders, human traffickers and those who engage in deceptive practices is the job of the Attorney General,” he said, “not working full time trying to deny health insurance to children and anyone with pre-existing conditions.”

Charlie Crist: Tell me how I can help

Friday, October 25, 2013

Vulnerable Florida House Republicans

Rep. Daniel Webster (FL-10) -- This guy defeated Alan Grayson in 2010, but now has 33% popularity and is losing to a hypothetical Dem opponent. 

McResources "Help" Line

Why I don't eat at McDonalds.
McDonald's just bought another $35-million-dollar luxury jet. Yet their employees make so little they rely on public assistance just to get by. This costs taxpayers $1.2 billion a year!
Eat local, support our local businesses.Check out

Pam Bondi Contesting Medical Marijuana

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi is contesting a proposed ballot initiative for a medical marijuana constitutional amendment and has asked the Florida Supreme Court for an opinion. Bondi contends the proposal from People United for Medical Marijuana, a group led by high-profile attorney John Morgan, is misleading the public and is presented in a way that does not convey its “true meaning and ramifications.”......more

University Of Florida SDS Demands Tuition Equity

On Oct. 17, student activists at the University of Florida (UF) officially launched their tuition equity campaign by having a demonstration at Tigert Hall, the University of Florida’s administration building. Around 40 students gathered in front of Tigert Hall to demand in-state tuition for undocumented students who have graduated from Florida high schools. The delegation made speeches calling for the university to implement DACA (the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals process) at UF and live up to its claim of being a flagship university and open the door to undocumented students........more

Thursday, October 24, 2013

FL-02: Steve Southerland - "Their Games"

Visit his countdown clock here
More Florida Tea Partiers here
Update: New poll of FL CD 2 shows Gwen Graham leading Steve Southerland, 44% to 41%

FL Man Kills Black Teen For Refusing To Turn Down Music!

Michael Dunn

200 Gather In Tampa To Urge Hillary Clinton

200 people packed into a Mise en Place meeting room in South Tampa on Tuesday night to join a grass roots campaign that is urging the former secretary of state to run for president in 2016.....more

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


Alan Grayson Maintains Firm Grip on Race

The latest race ratings for Florida's 9th Congressional District affirm that Congressman Alan Grayson (D-Orlando) remains a heavy favorite to win re-election in 2014. "These nonpartisan prognosticators understand the reality of this race. We are in a heavily-Democratic district. We won in record fashion in 2012. We have some of the best field and fundraising operations in the entire country. But most importantly, I work hard, pay attention, and get things done for my constituents. They want a ‘Congressman With Guts' representing them," Grayson said.......more

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Miami-Dade Police Officer Vicki Thomas

This Cop Caught a Woman Shoplifting Food 
So She Bought Her $100 Worth of Groceries!

Hillsborough County Commissioners Honor Jan Platt

The Hillsborough County Commission voted unanimously Wednesday to name its popular land-preservation program for its originator, former board member Jan Platt. Commissioner Kevin Beckner acknowledged that the proposal he floated last month was spontaneous. It came as the board was celebrating the 25th anniversary of ELAPP, and Beckner said he realized during that presentation that the program and environmental stewardship are among Platt's most enduring legacies.....more

Allen West: Obama Turning United States Into A Monarchy

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Fried Fish
With yellow rice and yuca.
$5.95 at La Teresita Grocery, on Boliche Blvd. in West Tampa