Friday, April 18, 2014

GOPBS: Rick Scott Gives Us $8.47 Million in Bonuses

At a media event on Wednesday,
Rick Scott
announced that 98 schools in Hillsborough County will share $8.47 million in bonuses due to their improvements in learning outcomes, either receiving an “A” grade or jumping up a full letter grade over last year.......more>
  "that is why, as governor, I have made education a priority.”

Yvonne Clanton Miracle Worker In Zephyrhills

You can give to Grace Church's orphan/adoption ministry
 Please send a check or money order to
Grace Church 7060 Berry Road, Zephyrhills, Fl 33540
attn: Orphan/adoption ministry.
Every penny will go to a waiting child or a family who iis adopting! The child or family will be featured monthly! Be a part of changing a child's life forever!!!!

Constituent Chastises Florida Rep. Dennis Ross

Republicans are having a hard time at home this break,
now that they have to answer for those
50-plus repeal votes
of a law that seems to be working out pretty well right now.
That's captured perfectly by ThinkProgress,
which brings us Florida GOP Rep. Dennis Ross's latest town meeting.
Check Out Alan Cohn

Meet Florida Stock Broker Irvin Rosenfeld

He openly smokes 10 or so joints daily

and has done so for three decades using marijuana provided by the
U.S. Government.

the same government that considers any use of marijuana illegal and has jailed pot smokers ruthlessly for decades.
He does this for a rare bone disease and unusual thyroid condition.
He is a successful stock broker/financial consultant of 36 years,
 married with kids and living in  Ft. Lauderdale.
Vote 11.4.14 
Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Florida GOP Ted Yoho Announced That He's A Fucking Idiot

At a town hall meeting in Gainesville
(motto: "The ugly part of the Sunshine State")

What Stogie Had For Lunch

At The Crab Shack
Tampa Bay's Best Seafood

Everglades Victory

Last week the Sierra Club
and its allies scored a major victory when state water managers decided to move forward on a plan to restore water flow across
Florida’s state-owned Everglades.......more>