Friday, June 6, 2014

Right-Wing Hypocrites

You got to hand it to American conservatives. 
They may not be rational,
 but at least they’re consistent. here

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Rick Scott to Attend Fundraiser at the Home of a Tax Cheat (Cancelled)

Scott has raised gobs of money to fuel his campaign—and apparently he isn't especially particular about where it comes from.On Saturday, he is scheduled to appear at a $10,000-a-person fundraiser at the Boca Raton home of James Batmasian, a powerful real estate developer and philanthropist in the state who also has done hard time for tax evasion......more

Scott cancelled the fundraiser 

Call Rick Scott, Ask Him To Veto HB1047

This morning, HB1047 arrived on Scott's desk.  Please take a moment now to call 850.488.7146 
and ask him to veto this anti-woman bill.  
Then, join Ruth's List and help send legislators 
you can be proud of to Tallahassee.  Just click here.
Help replace Tallahassee's radical Republicans

Lawton Chiles Niece, U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan Coming To Tampa

She grew up in Lakeland and is a niece of the great Senator Lawton Chiles.

More Men Will Be Raped In Florida Thanks To Rick Scott

How To Vote By Mail In Florida

Florida leads the country in for-profit incarceration

Corrupt for-profit companies have taken over Florida's criminal justice system — making millions by unjustly incarcerating Black and Brown youth in violently exploitative and inhumane conditions.
We can stop them. 
Tell the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice: stop contracting with abusive for-profit prisons. here

Florida Judge Denies Motion By Extremists

"Judge Zabel reached the proper conclusion in denying the attempt to intervene in this case by extremists seeking a platform for their anti-gay rhetoric. This case is about fundamental constitutionally protected rights that are violated by a measure that does real harm to our families. We believe Florida will join the 19 other states where judges have come to the conclusion that the ban is indefensible." - Nadine Smith, Equality Florida CEO

Cesar Chavez A Republican With Cohones

GOP candidate will do just about anything to win in Arizona's heavily Hispanic 7th congressional district -- including switching parties and legally changing his name to that of Hispanic labor and civil rights icon
Cesar Chavez

Allen West Fanning The flames Of Ignorance

 Former Florida GOP 
Congressman spreads rumors about POW 
Bowe Bergdahl's father.

Billionaire Richard Branson: Eco Warrior

Every company should be a force for good,
not just a money-making machine.’

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Janelle Ambrosia: A “Nasty Fucking Racist"

more, her apology

Cable companies are trying to create an unequal playing field for internet speeds, but they're doing it so boringly that most news outlets aren't covering it.
John Oliver explains the controversy and lets viewers know how they can voice their displeasure to the FCC.

GOP Hollywood

15 actors you might be surprised to learn are Republicans:
 Vince Vaughn, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, James, Earl Jones, Sylvester Stallone, 
Bruce Willis, Heather Locklear, Robert Duvall, Shannen Doherty, Stephen Baldwin, LL Cool J, Kristin Chenoweth, Jaclyn Smith, Tony Danza, 
James Caan, and Adam Sandler.
Bruce Willis and Vince Vaughn are actors?

Get Your Kush Liberty Gear



Rick Scott's Scandal At His Department Of Children And Families

Will Governor Scott 
Be as vocal about the scandal at his Department of Children and Families 
as he has been the scandal at the VA? more>

'Paint the Trail' by Jeff Sonksen In Longwood

Judithanne McLauchlan in South Tampa

Tuesday, June 17 6:30pm - 8:00pm