Wednesday, September 24, 2014

We want to live in Rick Scott's commercials too

John Romano: I have discovered a new and spectacular locale that defies belief. It is a place where the economy is bustling, and the problems are inconsequential. People are always smiling, the environment is pristine and no one seems to care about, or need, health insurance of any type. No doubt about it, I want to live in Rick Scott's commercials. here

Charlotte County Cop Watched as Woman’s Kids Taken at Gunpoint, Ignored Her Cries for Help, Drove Off

Tampa Palestine Solidarity Protest

Palestine solidarity activists filed into the intersection of Maritime and 20th Street at the Port of Tampa to protest the docking of the 
ZIM Alabama, a container ship carrying 
Israeli goods. 
Members of the International Longshoremen’s Association Local 1402 waved and honked in support.

Rick Scott's failure to create jobs

Rick Scott promised to create 700,000 jobs in 7 years, on top of normal economic growth. He failed to meet that promise -- and is now pretending he never said anything at all. 
My Fox Tampa Bay holds him accountable.

New poll shows 69% of Florida voters support #2

With 43 days until the election, and only days until early voting starts, public support for medical marijuana remains very stable:
Our new poll shows 69% of likely voters in Florida support this measure with only 28% opposed. 60% voter approval is needed to pass a Constitutional Amendment in the State of Florida. The findings are significant because they show voter backing of the amendment has remained virtually unchanged since the beginning of 2013.  Previous polls (conducted by 3 different pollsters) showed support at 70% in January, 71% in March, and 70% in June. 
Here's what's clear: 
Keeping medical decisions in the hands of doctors - not politicians - is simply not a controversial position for the vast majority of Floridians, and that has not changed over the last twenty-one months.
Opponents of Amendment 2 have been relentlessly pushing disingenuous talking points, and insulting the intelligence of the voters.  They've got millions behind them - but their uber-wealthy funders won't be able to dislodge support if we stay strong.

Tampa Bay's Own "Shane And Emily"

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