Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ybor Surveillance

Melissa Etheridge: Medical marijuana helped restore my health

Vote Yes On 2: The Doubters Are 0 For 3 And Soon, 0 For 4

First they said we'd never get on the ballot.
Then they said we would lose in the Supreme Court.Then when a billionaire got in the race, they said we were toast.
Well, guess what: None of that happened.  In fact - we're surging, thanks in part to your help we are at 61% and climbing.  We're going to prove the doubters wrong again.We need your help. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Orange Chicken
With rice at China Wokery in North Port

5 Days Left Florida

Mark Danish, Democrat, for Florida State House, District 63

A Stong Voice For The 
Middle Classhere