Monday, April 6, 2015

Rachel Maddow: Jeb Bush’s ‘Unconstitutional’ Support of Right-Wing WACKOS in Florida

Annette Taddeo For Florida's 26th District

Barely three months into his congressional career, Miami Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo has drawn a re-election challenger: Democrat Annette Taddeo, who plans to formally announce her candidacy Monday. here

Good. She has matured and I think she can pull it off. Besides, he is an idiot and doesn't belong in Washington.. Geniusofdespair

Save The Friendship TrailBridge

The long-delayed demolition of the 58-year-old Friendship TrailBridge is back on track and could occur this year.

Die-hard defender Neil Cosentino, a member of the committee that saved the bridge from a wrecking ball in 1997, argued its structure is safe. Cosentino invited County Administrator Mike Merrill and commissioners to walk the bridge with him so he could prove its durability. “If we find anything wrong with the bridge, I’ll buy (Merrill) any dinner he wants at Bern’s Steak House,” Cosentino said. “I also invite commissioners to do the same after we take the first walk to make sure the bridge is safe.
 I’m absolutely sure the bridge is safe.” here

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Citrus Taliban: Joshua Feuerstein

After a bakery in Casselberry, Florida, refused to decorate a cake with a anti-gay marriage message" they started to receive hundreds of hateful, threatening calls. Former TV evangelist Joshua Feuerstein posted a video of his call to YouTube and his own Facebook page, then encouraged his viewers and fans (of which there are apparently more than a million, because humans are terrible) to call Cut the Cake themselves and complain.

Shockingly,* hundreds of Feuerstein's viewers decided to take this as an opportunity to leave Cut the Cake hateful or threatening messages, calls which at last blush 
were still ongoing. 

Picking a random bakery, placing them in an unwinnable position, then encouraging your followers to threaten their lives over it: totally what Jesus would do! here

Like them on Facebook here

Kevin Beckner For Higher Office

Mayor, Senator, Governor, Presitdent?
Clerk of the Circuit Courts? Why go backwards?

Jeb Bush “I think Governor Pence has done the right thing.”

WMNF 2015 Tropical Heatwave!

34 Years of Tropical Heatwave! One of the longest running festivals in the country, Tropical Heatwave has become an annual rite of spring for fans of eclectic music, with excitement, mystery, and legend contained in memories of the annual extravaganzas for longtime Heatwave devotees. And every year there are first-timers who discover that Heatwave is one of one of the most fun weekends and best musical experiences they have ever had. The festival is a manifestation and celebration of the sense of community that WMNF has created. 

Welcome To Tampa

Expect Delays

For kids up for adoption, is Florida the next Indiana?

Over the past few weeks there has been a lot in the news about the use of religious exemptions laws as a means to legalize discrimination. We can’t let that happen in Florida. There’s a bill in the Florida legislature that would allow adoption agencies that are contracted by the state to deny loving families to children based on the agency’s religious or moral objections, rather than a family’s ability 
to care for a child.
Send a message to your house representative to oppose this discriminatory bill! here

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Fight for $15 rally in Tampa

University of South Florida 
Copeland Park, 11001 N 15th St, Tampa
April 15, 3pm