Thursday, July 2, 2015

July 4th Un-Celebration In St. Pete

Saturday July 4th, at 6:30pm
Straub Park
250 Bay Shore Dr NE, St Pete

Donald Gould Of Sarasota

Jacksonville Councilman Democrat Warren Jones

Jacksonville city council is considering a law that would make backing into your driveway to park illegal. Homeowners who don’t comply could be fined $50. 

Councilman Warren Jones said he introduced the bill because there is a huge problem with abandoned cars in Jacksonville. here

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Confederate Flag Showdown in the Streets of Brooksville

Tampa Rally In Solidarity With The Victims Of The Charleston Terrorist Attacks

July 3rd - 7pm
Curtis Hixon Park - Downtown Tampa

Ybor Daily Market

1920 East 7th Avenue, Ybor City, Florida
There's room for you!

First Official Money Bomb for Bernie!

Participation is simple: On July 15th, donate a minimum of $15 in support of a $15 minimum wage. After donating, send out a Twitter/Facebook/Instagram post with the hashtags #Bernie2016 and #FeelTheBern. Our goal is $30,000, roughly a year's wages on a 15 dollar minimum wage.

Please RSVP to this Event and subscribe to our Events Feed. That way, you'll be sure to get all the important updates as we approach our date. And invite all your friends, too! here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Pot Roast
With Rice and Green Beans
At Mama's Kitchen III in Tampa
Visit them here

Betty Reed For FL State Senate

Monday, June 29, 2015

St Pete Street Pride Festival

Sunshine State Secret Illegal farmworkers share stories of abuse in Florida

Run Mary Run

We want Mary Mulhern to run for Congress in Florida District 13.
Like her page on Facebook

Florida For Bernie Sanders 2016

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Arroz Con Gandules
With Red Beans and Tostones
At Borinquen on Central Ave, St. Pete Pride 

Jeb Bush's Voter Purge Part 2

Jeb Bush still doesn't have a good answer for his effort to purge Florida's voter rolls of convicted felons in 1999, the year before the infamous election in which several hundred Sunshine State votes would secure the presidency for his brother, George W. Bush. here 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

St Pete Street Pride Festival 2015 Activist

Florida's Best

Florida Senate Poll: Alan Grayson Wins

"This is what happens when you stand up for what you believe in." 
Susan Smith

Marco Rubio Supports Amendment To Prevent Same Sex Marriage

Kimberley A. Johnson's Letter To Bristol Palin

Dear Bristol Palin,
I heard you're dealing with another unplanned pregnancy. I feel for you. I don't think you're a whore or a slut though. However, you have been a hypocrite because you preach abstinence only. Evidently you weren't taking your own ignorant advice. Abstinence only works when you don't have sex - It's kind of tricky that way.

Liberals really aren't judging you for your sexcapades. Sex is fun and we think it's great! The people who are judging you and implying you're a dirty girl, well, that would be the radical religious right (your mom's crowd) .... and more specifically, Jeb Bush. Ol' Jebbers thinks you should be publicly shamed and that you need to find yourself a man. He's an asshole.

You might want to re-think political parties if you're going to keep sexing it up. Our side doesn't judge good sex - we celebrate it. We judge hypocrites who slut shame. 
Something to think about.

Toodles, Kimberley