Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Marco Rubio Worried About Single Moms In Tampa

Obama’s historic Clean Power Plan 
So if there’s some billionaire somewhere who is a pro-environmental, cap and trade person, yeah, they can probably afford for their electric bill to go up a couple of hundred dollars. But if you’re a single mom in Tampa, Florida, and your electric bill goes up by $30 a month, 
that is catastrophic.” Marco Rubio

"Mr. Rubio here in Tampa we are more concerned about our kids being able to breathe when they grow up." Pilar Sanchez-Robbins
By the way, he said this at a private gathering of wealthy donors in Orange County, California, hosted by billionaire conservatives 
Charles and David Koch. YCS

Florida GOP Struggling To Raise Campaign Cash

This should be a time for the Republican Party of Florida to rake in the dollars.
It controls the political agenda with a Republican in the governor’s mansion, two party favorite sons in contention for the White House and commanding majorities in both houses of the state Legislature.
Instead, the state party is in the middle of its worst fundraising stretch in six years amid growing disunity within the GOP ranks. here

Jeb Bush On Women's Health Issues

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush vowed Tuesday to cut off federal funding for Planned Parenthood if elected to the White House.
 "I'm not sure we need half a billion dollars for women's health issues." 

"We need it for tax breaks for his rich friends." YCS

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Chicken Quesadillas
At Kim's Cafe in Homosassa
Visit them here

Rick Scott, The Great Environmentalist

Reader alert! 
You are about to enter the mother of all spit-take zones! Do not under any circumstances consume any liquids! Face away from any walls! Avoid looking directly at any children, pets, friends or spouses! here

"What group of pandering serfs would conclude that a governor who can't find the Everglades on a map, much less protect it, would be worthy of being designated an environmental savior?"

Shark Spotted On Bayshore and Swann

Authorities warn people to stay off the streets in that area. It is believed to be a four to five foot Bull Shark. the B.S. was last seen near the Davis Island crosswalk. here

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Bass Pro: Hillsborough County Commissioners Benghazi

"They easily found $6.25 million for a road to Bass Pro. It would have come here without it." Pat Kemp

Walton County Replaces Confederate Flag With Confederate Flag

Citizen Review Board for the Tampa Police Department

Join us Thursday for the Public Comment Period at Tampa City Council as we voice support for Councilman Reddick's proposal of a Citizen Review Board for the 
Tampa Police Department.
Thursday at 9:00am

August Solidarity Sunday: Berning Man

Sunday - 6pm
At Lee's Grocery in Tampa

Ybor City Stogie T-Shirt

Ybor City Stogie T-Shirt

Hane's Beefy-T -100% preshrunk cotton

Monday, August 3, 2015

USA Is A Center Right Nation? Not!

Don't believe the hype. The American people are actually quite progressive.

Don McKenzie Of Winter Haven

Grayson Deserves Our Trust
While Mr. Murphy is a nice young man, he has accomplished little, nor does he seem to stand for much. We tried electing a former Republican for governor and you see how that worked out. I want a real Democrat that I can vote for. here

Top Ten Most Gerrymandered Districts in the United States

Florida 20 - #9
Florida 3 - #6
Florida 22 - #4

Rick Scott Wants To Jail The Vote

Politicians like Rick Scott, have used felon disenfranchisement to maintain power
In 2011, Scott overturned an executive order that had previously allowed felons to regain access to the ballot box after navigating a complicated process. The result is that the number of disenfranchised felons in 2010 in Florida (although data on ex-felons are difficult to come by) was 1,541,602. For comparison, in 2014, 6 million ballots were cast in the Florida midterm, and Scott won by a mere 66,127 votes. One study estimates that former felons would turn out at a rate of about 24 percent in a midterm election. Assuming that level of turnout in Florida, nearly 370,000 more people would have voted — possibly costing Scott his seat. here

MPO Meeting on Proposed 18 Lane Interstate

A planned interstate expansion to 18 lanes through Tampa will move forward unless hundreds of citizens show up to fill the meeting room and object. Many historic buildings in neighborhoods along it's path will be leveled. This is not the Public Transit that citizens said they 
wanted through Imagine 2040.

Tuesday, August 4   5:30-8:00 PM 
2nd Floor, County Center
601 East Kennedy Boulevard, Tampa

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Antrown
He is a local, homeless 8 months

Party With Kevin Beckner At Avelino and Steven's Place In Lutz

Saturday August 8th, 2pm-4pm
 2808 Winglewood Circle in Lutz

GOP Propaganda: Jeb Bush

BBQ Smoke Illegal In Pinellas County

Why would someone call the county on their neighbor over BBQ smoke, 
what a lowlife!

What Eva And Stogie Had For Lunch

Cashew Chicken and Shrimp With Vegetables
With Hot and Sour soup and Kimchi 
At Mr Wang Chinese Restaurant in Homosassa

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Hillsborough County Fuck Fest: "Go Hillsborough" Focus Groups

  • Voters between the ages of 18-29 were automatically eliminated.
  • Taxpayers who did not vote in last year's gubernatorial election didn't get to participate in the focus groups were which conducted last November.
  • Consultants only talked to Republicans without any registered Democrats, but only conservative members of the GOP who always vote in Republican primary elections were included in the Republican group.
  • Those who labelled themselves as moderate or liberal Republicans were not invited to the GOP focus group.
  • Participants in the focus groups were chosen from Carrollwood, Westchase, Town and Country and Brandon which means which means South Tampa, West Tampa, Central Tampa, Temple Terrace, East Tampa, Plant City, South Shore, South County and Sun City were excluded from having their voices heard in the focus groups.
  • The participants were each given $75 to take part in the focus groups and among the major takeaways are , there is no sense of crisis in transportation; rail is not seen as a viable alternative; the bus system has a major image and usage problem. here
"Good luck with that," That’s what one Tribune columnist said about Commissioner Hagan talking about a balanced transportation referendum for more options.

 We spent $1.25 million on this!
Go Hillsborough was all a sham
check this out
Hillsborough County Commissioners don't waste our time. No rail? No new taxes!

Hillary Clinton urges Congress to end Cuban embargo

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Manhattan Clam Chowder
With Ham Sandwich
At Dan's Clam Stand in Homosassa
Visit them here

Servent Of God In Ybor

7th Ave

Tampa Bay High Speed Ferry Project

Friday, July 31, 2015

Ybor Radical Cinema Club: Come And See

August 3 - 7:00pm
We're screening the late Soviet war drama Come and See. The film covers WWII from the perspective of a young boy who is drawn into the struggle of the Soviet partisans. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Bacon Wrapped Shrimp
With Gumbo and a Bloody Mary
At Neon Leon's Zydeco Steakhouse in Homosassa
Wow, What A Great Place!

Local Musician

Meet Bobby on the streets of Ybor

Bernie Sanders 2016

Join The Revolution

Not Coming Down

In Homosassa