Thursday, August 6, 2015

Hillsborough County Commissioner's Lack Of Vision

To their great credit, Commissioners Stacy White and Les Miller did their best to persuade fellow commissioners last week to spend much of the $23 million the county will receive in oil spill damages from BP on the Jan K. Platt Environmental Lands Acquisition and Protection Program, which is virtually out of money. But their colleagues refused. 

Ken Hagan said there should be no urgency in spending the money — despite renewed development now taking place.
Sandra Murman suggested spending the nonrecurring funds on transportation. That’s clearly a need, but the county has other revenue sources for roads and is considering a half-cent sales tax increase for transportation needs. ELAPP, in contrast, is being neglected.
Kevin Beckner similarly argued that since the settlement was compensation for the loss of tourism and other economic activity, it should go toward the economy, including ecotourism. here
Thank you Mr. White (We might have been wrong about you) and Mr. Miller.

Florida Dem Ted Deutch Will Oppose Iran Deal

 "I will vote against it when Congress reconvenes in September." here

#TacosForTrump In Tampa

Tonight 7pm - 11pm
Hosted by our great leader Susan Smith

Usually we eat popcorn when we plop down in front of the television for entertainment. For this GOP debate, however, we think it's appropriate to serve Mexican themed food! Please join us by posting photos of your #TacosForTrump! here

Pic, what Stogie had for lunch @ Taco Son, On 56th St. In Tampa

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Marco Rubio Worried About Single Moms In Tampa

Obama’s historic Clean Power Plan 
So if there’s some billionaire somewhere who is a pro-environmental, cap and trade person, yeah, they can probably afford for their electric bill to go up a couple of hundred dollars. But if you’re a single mom in Tampa, Florida, and your electric bill goes up by $30 a month, 
that is catastrophic.” Marco Rubio

"Mr. Rubio here in Tampa we are more concerned about our kids being able to breathe when they grow up." Pilar Sanchez-Robbins
By the way, he said this at a private gathering of wealthy donors in Orange County, California, hosted by billionaire conservatives 
Charles and David Koch. YCS

Florida GOP Struggling To Raise Campaign Cash

This should be a time for the Republican Party of Florida to rake in the dollars.
It controls the political agenda with a Republican in the governor’s mansion, two party favorite sons in contention for the White House and commanding majorities in both houses of the state Legislature.
Instead, the state party is in the middle of its worst fundraising stretch in six years amid growing disunity within the GOP ranks. here

Jeb Bush On Women's Health Issues

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush vowed Tuesday to cut off federal funding for Planned Parenthood if elected to the White House.
 "I'm not sure we need half a billion dollars for women's health issues." 

"We need it for tax breaks for his rich friends." YCS

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Chicken Quesadillas
At Kim's Cafe in Homosassa
Visit them here

Rick Scott, The Great Environmentalist

Reader alert! 
You are about to enter the mother of all spit-take zones! Do not under any circumstances consume any liquids! Face away from any walls! Avoid looking directly at any children, pets, friends or spouses! here

"What group of pandering serfs would conclude that a governor who can't find the Everglades on a map, much less protect it, would be worthy of being designated an environmental savior?"

Shark Spotted On Bayshore and Swann

Authorities warn people to stay off the streets in that area. It is believed to be a four to five foot Bull Shark. the B.S. was last seen near the Davis Island crosswalk. here

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Bass Pro: Hillsborough County Commissioners Benghazi

"They easily found $6.25 million for a road to Bass Pro. It would have come here without it." Pat Kemp