Monday, August 10, 2015

Day of Black Community Action in St. Pete

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Hot Wings
Baked, No Grease 
With a new beer, we are trying to taste them all.
At where we eat the best Pizza in town. 
(Sorry, CDB's)
Lee's Grocery on Central Ave. in Tampa Heights
Visit them here, and like their page 
(but please don't tell anyone.) 

We Want A Referendum To Kick Out The Hillsborough County Commissioners Because They Ignored The Referendum

Nearly 80 percent of voters in 2008 approved a referendum to give up to $200 million to the Jan K. Platt Environmental Lands Acquisition and Protection Program to purchase pristine, sensitive land for preservation. Now the program is broke and its leadership blames the county. here

"It's a disgrace,what are they waiting for, another referendum for the next election to kick them out because they ignored the referendum?" Jan Platt
Two Republicans get it.
People overwhelmingly approved that amendment, that was the message and we can't forget or lose sight of what that message was." Sandy Murman
Stacy White said he expects to unveil a new proposal within six weeks to fund and "revitalize" ELAPP. Where is Kevin Beckner on this? 
Does Ken Hagan need the money for  Corporate Welfare or to give to Hollywood filmmakers?
Remember White and Miller wanted to use some of the BP money. 

Marco Rubio Has Worst Missed-Vote Record In The U.S. Senate

In July alone, he missed more than half the Senate votes. In June, Rubio missed 67 percent of votes, including taking an entire week off for fundraising in California and to attend a candidate gathering in Utah. here

Read more here:

It's way past time to get serious about transit in Tampa Bay

In Tampa Bay cars are the #1 generator of greenhouse gases. The commission wants to ask us for a 1/2 sales tax that is 65%, at a minimum, for roads. The referendum even includes maintenance of roads, a core county function. That's not fiscally responsible. Why wouldn't we pay that out of our regular budget? We already have that money. We had almost $100 million unanticipated revenue this year and not a dollar for transit. What does that say? Email and call your commissioners 
at this link.
"It's way past time to get serious about transit 
in Tampa Bay."
Pat Kemp
Join Pat Kemp Tonight For A Discussion Of The TBX Monster Highway
6:30PM at the Seminole Heights Library

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Local Idiots: Randy Maggard

Rick Scott Owes Florida $700,000

Florida is paying $700,000 to settle allegations that Gov. Rick Scott and other state officials flouted the state’s public records laws. The state agreed this week to pay that amount to Tallahassee attorney Steven Andrews. Andrews sued the governor and other top state officials back in 2013. here

Marco Rubio's "Pain-Capable Unborn Child Act"

At the debate Megyn Kelly suggested that the Florida Republican would "favor a "rape and incest exception" to abortion bans. "I have never said that," Rubio objected. "And I have never advocated that. What I have advocated is that we pass law in this country that says all human life at every stage of its development is worthy of protection." But he appears to be wrong about never having advocated the exception. In 2013, Rubio cosponsored a Senate bill with wide-ranging Republican support called the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Act, which would have banned abortions after 20 weeks, and that bill had exceptions for rape, incest, and in cases when the mother's life was threatened. here

Bush also touted his pro-life record, adding that 
He defunded Planned Parenthood 
while chief executive of Florida.  The St. Petersburg Times reported in 2003 that "Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida lost $124,000 last year from its family planning division. Bush diverted the funds to abstinence-only educational programs."

Crews List Most Corrupt Vern Buchanan Could Be Out Of A Job

Under a new redistricting map Buchanan would lose 150 thousand constituents from Sarasota County and gain 150 thousand from Hillsborough. Hillsborough County has more registered democrats than republicans, while Sarasota has more republicans than democrats. here

Named to CREW’s Most Corrupt 
in 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2012. here
Come on up Vern, we are ready for you.
This ain't Sarasota!

August Solidarity Sunday

At Lee's Grocery in Tampa

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Beckner, Montelione, Miller And Cohen Vote For TBX

Yes on TBX
Kevin Beckner
Lisa Montelione
Les Miller
Harry Cohen

Florida GOP
Ken Hagan,  Sandra Murman, Josh Burgin and  Stacy White.
Also voted yes.

Update: I wrote Mr. Beckner to express my disappointment with his yes vote. He thanked me for my feedback and said "This issue is far from over. If FDOT does not take considerable action to work with the citizens and neighborhoods, I will not hesitate pulling my support."

Florida Rick Scott Voters

Florida GOP haven, North Port
Someone has some sense down there!

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Grouper Burger
With Fries
At Dans Clam Stand in Crystal River
Visit them here

No Money For War Hawks

Florida Dem Ted Deutch

I commit to withholding contributions from individual Democrats—and from any party committee supporting them—if they succeed in sabotaging President Obama's diplomatic agreement with Iran."

"I will vote against it when Congress reconvenes in September."

Take the pledge: Commit to withholding contributions from individual Democrats—and from any party committee supporting them—if they succeed in sabotaging President Obama's diplomatic agreement with Iran. here

United for Care T-Shirt

100% of the proceeds from the United For Care store go directly to help medical marijuana legalization efforts in Florida. Thank you for your support! here

Friday, August 7, 2015

Jessica Rose - "Maybe"

Local Hero Guido Maniscalco

They came by the dozens activists and just regular residents from Seminole and Tampa Heights all imploring the Hillsborough County Metropolitan Organization not to include the controversial Tampa Bay Express project in the MPO’s Transit Improvement Project.
Speaking for the project? 
8people, most of whom wore suits (or in the case of the representative for Jeff Vinik‘s group, a dress). none of whom are believed to live in the district, and several of them representing
 major business organizations.

Just like GO Hillsborough they let us think we had a say in the matter. In the end they don't give a shit what we think. After three hours of discussion, the MPO voted 13-1 to support the project. The only dissenter was Tampa City Councilman 
Guido Maniscalco. here
Who is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)

Mr. Beckner, Ms. Montelione and Mr. Miller, Shame on you!

Paynes Prairie In Danger

Hands off 
Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park 
Have you ever heard of Paynes Prairie? It is one of the most important natural and historical areas in Florida. Paynes Prairie is located near Gainesville.

 We, the undersigned, will not allow the privatization of our public land. We stand firmly against Governor Scott's plan to encourage private business to rent our State Parks for grazing cattle or growing trees. We urge you to stand against special interests and work to preserve not privatize!