Thursday, January 28, 2016

Ban Fracking In Florida: Support Rep. Evan Jenne

Rep. Evan Jenne,D-Hollywood, is sponsoring legislation that would ban fracking in Florida. He condemned House Republican leaders. He said the election-year push for more fracking was designed merely to placate the oil and gas industry, a steady GOP contributor. Jenne said the House will “do anything, if it’s going to help their backers make a buck.” here

WMNF Tells You How To Vote

Florida GOP Always Trashing Obama

Marco Rubio maintains that President Barack Obama is more interested in providing money to Planned Parenthood than for the nation's armed forces.
Jeb Bush says the Obama administration has "gutted" every weapons system in the U.S. military's inventory.

Money spent on weapons modernization is on par with the George W. Bush administration. The military cuts were approved by Republicans and Democrats. The military budget is being squeezed by the insistence of lawmakers in both parties that money be spent on bases and equipment that the Pentagon says it doesn't need. here
And the government spends roughly 1,000 times more on the armed forces than on Planned Parenthood.

Stop Giving Your Money To Disney

They are laying off American workers and replacing them with immigrant workers. here

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Florida DINOS Back Hillary over Bernie

Alex Sink and Other Conservative Florida Democrats Who Have Been Losing Statewide Races for Years Back Hillary over Bernie. here

Their leader had this to say:
"It's okay to be right, but it's more important to win. And if you don't win, you can't govern. When all is said and done — certainly in Florida — Hillary has a much, much better chance of prevailing than Sen. Sanders." Bob Buckhorn

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Garlic Parmesan Wings
Just the right size and awesome flavor. 
At WING KING Chicken Shack In Englewood

Welcome To Tampa

Expect Delays

Florida Ghost Towns: Mannfield

Read more about it here

Florida GOP Carlos Curbelo owes Planned Parenthood an apology

That’s how Congressman Carlos Curbelo talked about Planned Parenthood in an official press release.
A grand jury investigating the outrageous accusations against Planned Parenthood rejected all charges. And now: the anti-choice activists who created the slanderous videos accusing Planned Parenthood of selling fetal tissue are facing felony charges.
Carlos Curbelo owes Planned Parenthood an apology. Here

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Troy
A local, homeless 1 year.

Pack Tampa City Hall for Marijuana Decriminalization

Please come show your support to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana in Tampa. Let's have a rational conversation about drug enforcement in our communities.
2.18 - 9 AM

Florida's Right Wing Infestation: Charles Van Zant

By an 8-3 vote Monday afternoon, a House criminal justice panel voted to advance the more sweeping legislation (HB 865), which would make performing an abortion or operating an abortion clinic a first-degree felony in Florida, punishable by up to 30 years in prison. 
Rep. Charles Van Zant, is the bill's sponsor. here

Vélo Champ: Heights Vibes #StopTBX Bicycle Ride

Starting at Vélo Champ on Central Ave. #StopTBX bike rides is a casual, informative bicycle ride through the Seminole Heights, Tampa Heights and the V.M. Ybor neighborhoods. The ride is intended to help realize a brick-by-brick understanding of just how destructive the proposed Tampa Bay Express (TBX) interstate expansion plan will be. The ride will visit key properties, streets and areas that will be impacted, demolished or completely eleminated by FDOT's plan to further expand I-275 and I-4 interstate systems. here

Florida INC. Welcomes Polluters

Dump hazardous materials
No Fines
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is not enforcing laws against companies responsible for hazardous materials pollution or collecting the fines it could from polluters, according to a study released Thursday by an environmental group. here

Monday, January 25, 2016


For the first time in history, this Tuesday, January 26, the Florida legislature will vote on the Florida Competitive Workforce Act.  Send a message to your legislators today and tell them to support this non-discrimination protection for LGBT Floridians! here

Jeb Bush: Rick Synder Is A “Great Governor For Michigan”

Jeb Bush said Sunday that Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder should not have to resign for how the state handled the contaminated water crisis 
in Flint. here

Florida DOT Artsy Wall

I4 and 50th St. Tampa

Florida GOP On Climate Change

Marco Rubio “We are not going to make America a harder place to create jobs in order to pursue policies that will do absolutely nothing, nothing to change our climate, to change our weather, because America is a lot of things, the greatest country in the world, absolutely,” 
Jeb Bush "President Obama’s climate rule, is “irresponsible and ineffective,” and private-sector innovation is “the source of a lot more solutions than any government-imposed idea.”