Friday, March 25, 2016

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Pam Bondi

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi in 2013 was considering joining in a lawsuit against Trump University.  Shortly thereafter, a check for $25,000 was sent to Bondi’s campaign.  AG Bondi (who has since endorsed Trump) ended up not joining in on the Trump University lawsuit. here
She is cheap, only $25,000!

Florida INC. Rancid Corpses

Thousands of scaly, rancid corpses dot the banks of the Indian River Lagoon, in clusters from Titusville to Melbourne, likely casualties of widespread algae that's bloomed for months.
Scientists say excess nitrogen and phosphorus from fertilizers, septic tanks, leaky sewer systems, air pollution and other sources is fueling the blooms. here

Thursday, March 24, 2016

President Obama: Thank You From Tampa Cuban Americans

We never thought we would live to see this. 
Your legacy is secure with us!

Dear Marco Rubio

Rubio called Obama’s historic trip to Cuba “one of the most disgraceful trips ever taken by a U.S. president anywhere in the world.”
"Mr. Rubio, we have tried it your way for over 50 years. All it has done is make the Cuban people suffer. The change you were looking for did not happen. It should be up to the Cubans on the island to decide how they want to be  governed not the deserters in Miami. Dialogue over Isolation works everytime. 
Now we have a chance to show them what Democracy looks like." YCS

St. Pete Pledging To Work Toward 100% Clean Energy

St. Petersburg is the first Florida city pledging to work toward 100% clean energy; Sharon Wright is the City of St. Petersburg’s sustainability coordinator and joined the Sierra Club Tuesday morning to officially launch the “Ready for 100” campaign. here

Free Rolling Stones Concert

Ciudad Deportiva - La Habana, Cuba
400,000 fans are expected
here. We want to go! 

VPC Spreading Into Florida

Voter Participation Center (VPC) is mailing 626,000 voter registration applications into Florida this month.  
Unmarried women, Latinos, African-Americans and millennials make up a strong majority — 58 percent — of the eligible voters in the state.  But 40 percent of them are not registered to vote.  
And the number of unregistered young voters is even higher: 
54 percent of millennial Floridians are not registered to vote.

Florida Right Winger Todd Schnitt Attacks Alan Grayson

"Recently, a right-wing hate radio host in Florida said that I’m a “mental defect,” that I’m “obnoxious” and “disgusting,” and that I’m a “media whore.”
The verbal mugger in this case was Todd Schnitt, a hatemonger whose radio show is carried in both Miami and Tampa, the two largest media markets in Florida." 

USF Solar Fair

March 26 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
USF College of Engineering