Saturday, March 26, 2016

Yuge thanks to Susan Smith and the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida

"Yuge thanks to Susan Smith and the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida for stepping up for fairness in our elections!!! Access to the voting list should be available to all Democratic candidates."

Trump Turning Miami Cuban Americans Blue

Support among Cubans in South Florida for Republicans has been slowly declining. They've chalked it up to generational change. Younger and newly arrived Cubans aren't quite as strongly Republican as the original exiles. The GOP's shift to the socially conservative positions of white evangelical voters has accelerated the trend. Then along comes 
Donald Trump. here

Great Job Rep. Kathy Castor

The presidents of the U.S. and Cuba acknowledged in their historic meeting Monday that their nations have different views on government and human rights, but found common ground on the U.S. embargo against Cuba: Both want it to end. The woman leading the effort to make that happen is U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, the Tampa Democrat who is part President Barack Obama’s congressional delegation to the island nation and the sponsor of the Cuba Trade Act. here

Florida GOP Jim Boyd of Bradenton To Keep Fighting For Corporate Welfare

$250 million
State Rep. Jim Boyd of Bradenton, promised the Manatee County Commission on Tuesday morning to keep fighting for Corporate Welfare funding after his bill to regulate its state funding died in the Senate this year. here

Read more here:

Tip For Lazy Florida Dems

Check this out
Absentee Voting
Absentee voting refers to voting a ballot received by mail or picked up by or for a voter who is unable or unwilling to go to the polls to vote during early voting or Election Day. Check it out

Friday, March 25, 2016

Florida Progressive Leader Mayor Rick Kriseman

St Pete 100% clean energy

"This is what progressive leadership looks like. Thank you, Mayor Rick Kriseman!" Susan Smith
This is the mayor by the bay that we need to run for governor. Great job St. Pete!

Tell "Debt Trap Debbie" Not to Sabotage Obama on Payday Lending Reform

Sarasota County GOP’s “Statesman of the Year” Award: Rick Scott

Gov. Rick Scott will receive the Sarasota County GOP’s “Statesman of the Year” award at a dinner next month. Trump received the statesman honor in 2012 and 2015. here

Florida GOP Locations For Gynecological Care

A bill passed in the Florida GOP legislature this week would effectively defund Planned Parenthood and other reproductive rights clinics.  several state lawmakers who have insisted that plentiful alternatives exist for reproductive and sexual healthcare have cited a list of health centers that includes 
and Elementary Schools.

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Pam Bondi

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi in 2013 was considering joining in a lawsuit against Trump University.  Shortly thereafter, a check for $25,000 was sent to Bondi’s campaign.  AG Bondi (who has since endorsed Trump) ended up not joining in on the Trump University lawsuit. here
She is cheap, only $25,000!