Friday, March 23, 2018

Florida Dems: Silence Of The Lambs

Yemen is the poorest country in the Middle East. Since 2015, Saudi Arabia has bombed the entire nation to pieces, starved its citizens via a blockade, caused a deadly cholera outbreak, and allegedly attacked innocent people by using illegal chemical weapons such as
 white phosphorus. 
The United States is actively aiding the 
Saudis in the assault.
Yet despite those well-documented facts, Florida's senior U.S. senator, Bill Nelson, voted to table a resolution that would have pulled America's support for the Saudi-led humanitarian catastrophe.
Yet not a word from the 
Florida Democratic Party!
Where is the outrage?
And you wonder why voters are leaving your party

Foul Ball: Stadium Handouts Wrong for Taxpayers

Ybor City Homeless

Meet Glen

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Florida Corporate Democrat Bill Nelson

Bill Nelson voted to weaken provisions of Frank-Dodd, an election-year decision that bucks his party's progressive wing.
He also voted to  to table 
Bernie Sanders' SJres54 bill 
and support the ILLEGAL war and 
Saudi Genocide in Yemen.
"He can vote as he wants, 
what other choice do we have Rick Scott?"
(Probable response from the Florida Democratic Party)
No wait there is...

This lady
Tamika Lyles
She is a Democrat
6 other Republicans
A Libertarian
Joe Wendt
And 4 independents
Joe Allen 
Gregory Bowles 
Carlos Garcia 
and Edward Janowski
Nice we do have a choice!

Hillsborough County GOP Assault Weapons Ban

and Sandy Murman - Victor Crist
Al Higginbotham - Stacy White
Not on our watch!
Remember This In November!

Tampa Hoods


Hang Out With Ed Turanchik In Tampa Heights

Monday, April 2 at 5 PM
Armature Works

Tampa Bay's Pissed Off Commuter Bunny: Absolut Vodka

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Tampa Hoods

Hi Sister!

It’s Time The Florida Democratic Party Grew Some Balls

Florida Democratic Party: We Want Black and Progressive Votes but Not Their Candidates
In 2018 Florida Democrats will have the opportunity to nominate two Afro-Americans to statewide offices: Mayor Andrew Gillum of Tallahassee for governor and State Rep. Sean Shaw for attorney general. Both are exceptional candidates.
The race for governor is clearcut: Gillum, a compelling orator and bona fide Democrat, stands out in a four-way race that includes former Miami Beach mayor Philip Levine, former Congresswoman Gwen Graham, and entrepreneur Chris King.
There are 3.4 million blacks in Florida, nearly 17 percent of the population. They vote overwhelmingly Democratic and closely align with the progressive wing.
The charismatic Gillum gives the Democratic party its best chance to win the governorship which has been in Republican hands for 20 years.  He would motivate voters who normally shun the polls in off-year elections. It also offers the Florda Democratic party to right past wrongs and truly represent its constituency.
The fallacious notion, long perpetrated by the party apparatus, that a Democrat needs to be a centrist marginalizes black candidates and white progressives.  That’s been the modus operandi under the last five party chairpersons who are either elitists (Alison Tant and Stephen Bittel), conservative (Rod Smith), or self-serving (Scott Mattox and Karen Thurman).
All shared one trait: they were 
supremely ineffective.
Succeeding the disgraced Bittel is Terrie Rizzo who headed the Palm Beach Democrats.  She defeated Stacy Patel who was backed by progressives.
Rizzo says she will “reach out” to progressives.  Sorry, lady, that’s not enough.  White progressive and black voters will not be voting for Republican Lite candidates in this election cycle or any future one for that matter.
Then there are hundreds of thousands of progressives registered as No Party Affiliation.  They, too, don’t buy into the failed centrist right philosophy of 
the state party.

By Jim Bleyer more