Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Kelly Benjamin: Fuck This Shit

"It's draining but if you're not standing up right now at this moment in America, you're complicit. I might love you and still be your friend but now is not the time for greased accommodation and civic laziness. Cheers to all of those who are drawing a line, who are desperately trying to stop the descent into collapse, who are coming out of the woodwork to say fuck this shit."  
Kelly Benjamin

Vlogger Marie Bx in Ybor City

Andrew Gillum Tampa Fans

Jim Shirk


Ybor Paparazzi

The Columbia

Florida Dem Alan Clendenin

Democratic National Committee Member Alan Clendenin is asking whether Republicans are using The Collective Super PAC to run negative ads against Democratic gubernatorial candidate
 Gwen Graham. here
“Florida Democrats can’t understand why The Collective Super PAC is using secret money to falsely attack a progressive Democrat instead of sharing a positive message. The only plausible conclusion is that The Collective Super PAC is being used by Republicans to sabotage Graham because they know she is the best candidate to take back our state in November.”  
Alan Clendenin

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Welcome Home Pam Bondi

“If you refuse to meet with us, we're coming to where you're at. We're coming to where you're watching a movie 
or eating dinner.” Tim Heberlein VIDEO

Organize Florida Statement Regarding Attorney General Pam Bondi Incident at Mister Rogers Screening in Tampa here

Ybor Bartenders


Our Revolution President Nina Turner

We can use California as an example. In California, Democrats control every statewide office, they control the legislature — yet we can’t get Medicare for All passed. The nurses [union is] pushing to get this passed, along with other groups, but we can’t get it passed. That’s not a state controlled by Republicans, it’s a state that’s controlled by Democrats.
Or let’s take New York. In terms of voter access and voter rights, one of the worst states for voter rights in the country. Controlled by Democrats. more
Our plan is to transform the Democratic Party; our plan is to run and elect progressive candidates. info

South Tampa businesses demand Bay to Bay safety improvements