Thursday, February 21, 2019

Ybor Bartenders

Lulu at Tequilas

Congress members tour migrant facility in Florida

Ybor City Homeless

Melissa and her adopted friend 

Florida Berners It's Showtime, Again!

'Not Here, Not Now, Not Everglades

Environmentalist supporters held signs in Everglades Holiday Park, to join with local lawmakers in opposing the Kanter Real Estate LLC oil drilling permit in the wetlands. HERE

US media passes over in silence Trump’s fascistic diatribe in Miami

The US corporate media has passed over in near silence the fascistic content of a speech delivered to a chanting audience of right-wing Venezuelan and Cuban exiles along with right-wing Republican operatives at Florida International University in Miami Monday night.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Dems Aim Knives at Each Other in ‘Non-Partisan’ Tampa Races

Candidates for Tampa mayor have been so excruciatingly bland during the runup to the Mar. 5 primary that the campaign has been dubbed “The Big Yawn” by locals.
Not to worry.  The fervor expected to be epitomized by the seven mayoral hopefuls has shifted to their supporters.  The sniping, which touched on what constitutes “progressive,” gender preference, and defamation, all emanates from the Democrat playpen.
The latest dustup pits Jessica Vaughn, President of the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay, against Bryan  Farris, a  veteran political operative with a nebulous political philosophy.  The war played out 
on social media. MORE

NRA Sues Florida For Raising The Age Limit To Buy A Gun

Tampa Hoods
