Thursday, April 25, 2019

Tampa 2020 Tasker

Sky U. White
County Commissioner, Dist. 3

Jessica Vaughn
School Board Member, Dist. 3

Jen McDonald
County Commissioner, Dist. 1

Bernie Sanders

Draft Kevin Beckner
Clerk of Circuit Court

Draft Topher Morrison
For something!

Ybor Paparazzi

Candy Lowe

Matt Gaetz Chronicles: Democrat Base are Extremists

Matt Gaetz joins Sebastian Gorka on America First to talk about the latest regarding the growing extremism within the Democrat party and it's implications. HERE

Florida's Racist Groundhog

Florida Republican Party chair and Sarasota State Sen. Joe Gruters, a man who looks like a racist groundhog, sure hates him some immigrants. He's currently pushing SB 168, an anti-"sanctuary" bill that forces Florida towns to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, even though every town in Florida already does this. HERE

Tampa Hoods
