Monday, December 30, 2019

Ybor City Bartenders 2019

Tampa Berner Presence in Ybor

Ybor City Homeless


Local Photographer Creative Chris


What Stogie Had For Lunch

 Italian Sausage 
With Rice and Green Beans
At The Green Store - SOG


Florida Republicans Launch Scheme To Ensure Trump Wins State In 2020

Ybor Life

7th Ave

Kimi Tortuga in Ybor City

Sunday, December 29, 2019

YBOR Gentrification

Slowly but very surely, Historic Ybor City is being infected by gentrification. The Tampa Park Apartments at the southwest corner of 7th Avenue and Nuccio Parkway has opted to end their Section 8 contract with HUD and is in the process of evicting tenants who rely on government assistance (article HERE). This property is immediately north of the site where the new Rays stadium was, and still is, proposed to be built. Currently secret negotiations are still ongoing between the Rays franchise owners, St. Petersburg and the Tampa Sports Authority and the plan was originally to develop about 4 million square feet of properties surrounding the stadium and, I'm sure that is still in the fix. That 4 million square feet would include everything from 6th Ave. south to Adamo Dr. and Nuccio Pkwy. west to 22nd St., basically everything south of 7th Ave.

Just because you can't see it now, doesn't mean the RAYBOR beast isn't just over the horizon.

Tampa Activist 2019

Ybor Bartenders

Hank at Reservoir

Ybor Paparazzi 2019

Ybor Space

Ybor city, Florida

Miami Democratic Consultant Evan Ross

Comparing Bernie to KKK 
Grand Wizard David Duke.
Politico  published a piece saying establishment Democrats are scared shitless, that Sanders, a democratic socialist, might really win. HERE