Monday, February 3, 2020

Gwen Graham "We Apologize Iowa"

"On behalf of the state of Florida, I would like to apologize for Sen. Rick Scott penetrating Iowa’s airwaves to smear Joe Biden just days before 
your caucus."

It’s no surprise to see the GOP use Rick Scott as their lead spokesperson to spread their lies. Before buying his way into politics, Scott was connected to one of the largest Medicare frauds in the nation's history — and then pleaded the fifth 75 times.
PolitiFact has rated Rick Scott’s ad “False” because the facts are clear — and on the former vice president’s side. HERE

Have you no sense of decency, sir?
 Became our senator in 2018 by 10,033 votes out of 8.19 million votes cast.

Tampa DSA for Bernie

Downtown Tampa HERE

Florida's private beaches for the wealthy paid by taxpayers

Beachfront property owners, aided by high-priced lobbyists, have stripped local governments’ power to oversee your ability to enjoy the beach.
Wealthy beachfront property owners led by former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, lobbied the Legislature into passing House Bill 631, making it easy for beachfront owners to employ the courts to block the beach. Threatening signs, fences and security guards have been employed to block 
public beach use. HERE

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Warning to my fellow Bernie supporters

Warning: An LONG open letter to my fellow Bernie supporters, especially to any of my "Bernie or Bust" friends.
Dear fellow Bernie supporters,
I mean this in the kindest way possible. I promise.
However, if you've invested absolutely ZERO energy into helping reform the Democratic party after 2016, why on earth would you expect a different result four years later?!??!
For four years, I have been literally begging fellow progressives to help us reform the Democratic party from the inside.
Not only have many refused; but have INSTEAD made our work harder by demonizing the entire Democratic party as opposed to the old guard of the party, therefore discrediting much of the work progressives have done within the Democratic party.
Trust me, I know that you THINK that the people in power within the Democratic party care about your vote. And that all you have to do is refuse to vote for the nominee and therefore "teach the Democratic party a lesson". However, you are WRONG!!!!!!!
Not only does the "old guard" of the Democratic party not care about winning your vote, but Bernie supporters refusing to vote for whichever centrist candidate they shove down our throats; actually allows you to become an easy scapegoat.
Just look back at 2016. The old guard in the Dem party still hasn't accepted ANY responsibility for the stunning loss of the white house. Instead, they have shifted the narrative to place the blame solely on Bernie supporters who didn't vote for Clinton and have managed to demonize all progressives along the way.
Also, the lives of the old guard (and the people who consolidate power in the party) doesn't really change regardless of of whether or not we win. They will still have their privilege, power and opportunity to make money from their positions; regardless of whether or not Democrats win (especially if there are "stubborn" progressives to blame).
Listen if you want to withhold your vote, that's your choice and I am NOT here to shame you for it. Personally, I refuse to withhold my vote because I know that withholding my vote WILL NOT bring about the changes that we so desperately need. Instead, it will HURT the most marginalized members of our society - the very people I'm fighting for. It will not hurt the Democratic Party or the the old guard. Do you see the checkmate here? (And people say that only Republicans know how to play dirty!!)
And while I refuse to vote shame you, I will say this: if you have done NOTHING to help reform the party; please don't act shocked that the DNC is repeating itself from 2016!
Truth bomb: What WILL bring about the changes we so desperately need is actually OCCUPYING the Democratic party, grabbing the voting power internally and making the structural changes within the party needed to support the progressives causes and candidates we care about. In Florida, that means breaking up the weighted vote!
Your local frustrated, battered and exhausted progressive friend/fellow Bernie supporter who has worked inside the Democratic party for the last four years
P.S The party doesn't have to "rig" anything to win. All they have to do is literally change the rules anytime they want (without any input from the voters) right in front of your eyes. That's the extreme power consolidation we have allowed them to have by eliminating our voices from the party.
P.P.S Both parties have engineered statutory laws so that a third party will NEVER be successful. If you really want a multiparty system to rise and thrive, you must first occupy one of the two parties and CHANGE the laws which the powerful members of the party have created (and fiercely guard) purely engineered in order to stop another party from becoming powerful/successful.
<Deep sigh> 
Jessica Vaughn

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Florida Berners Rock Orlando

Aloft Downtown

Greetings from Orlando, Florida

Florida Go Green

Bernie will...
Legalize marijuana in the first 100 days 
with executive action
Vacate and expunge all past 
marijuana-related convictions


"Just because actions meet a standard of impeachment does not mean it is in the best interest of the country to remove a President from office." Marco Rubio

HART Driver Report Card

#4544 C
#4395 A
#4005 B
#3997 B 
#4349 A 
#4002 B
#2138 A

Florida Senators Treachery


Ybor Paparazzi

7th Ave

Friday, January 31, 2020

Charles Booker vs. Mitch McConnell

Supports a green new deal
 and medicare for all.

Ybor Preachers

7th Ave

Enki: The Demise of the GOP

Renowned pollster and political consultant Stanley Greenberg, the man who helped get Bill Clinton elected in 1992, predicts the end of the Republican Party 
as we know it. 
Further, he argues that the US is about to enter a progressive era where the pent-up demand for government action will be reflected in deep civic engagement that will continue well after the 2020 election. HERE

Florida GOP Rick Scott Taken Hostage

 Scott drew scorn on Twitter after he posted a video on social media claiming he was being held hostage during the Senate impeachment trial of Trump.
“As you may have heard, I’ve been taken hostage along with 99 other people in the U.S. Capitol,” Scott said in the two-minute clip shared to Twitter
He claimed the Democrats’ case against the president is “absurd.
The clip inevitably went viral on social media for all the wrong reasons, where many critics bashed Scott for complaining about doing his job. HERE
This thing beat Sen. Bill Nelson by 10,033 votes. 

Florida GOP Rick Scott destroyed evidence after hurricane deaths

Two health care workers charged with aggravated manslaughter last year in connection with the deaths of 12 people at a stifling hot Hollywood nursing home are asking a judge to dismiss the cases against them, claiming former Gov. Rick Scott destroyed evidence that would have helped their defense.

“As a direct result of Governor Scott’s order to destroy the recordings so as to cover up his own failings, the jury in this case will never have the opportunity to listen to heartfelt and desperate pleas to Governor Scott to please order (Florida Power & Light) to restore power to the A/C chiller,” the motion read. HERE