Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Florida Man Filmed Intentionally Coughing on Cops During Arrest

#DEMEXIT Tampa Bay

Dear DNC: This is our Declaration of Independence from your Corporate Party

We, the people, stand together to declare our independence from corporate politics and a two-party system funded by the very businesses and billionaires that exploit us — the working class, the poor, and our planet. We understand that both the Democrats and Republicans (private corporations themselves) are incapable of reform, and have made it abundantly clear that they will ALWAYS choose profits over people. HERE

Stogie Recommends

Sky U. White Fan


Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Grace VanderWaal Legend in the making

Most Beautiful Voice I Have Ever Heard. She will be the biggest star the world has ever know. Where it started.

My favorite songs

And this one

When all this is over, I hope she visits us

Workers sue McDonald's over harassment at Florida stores

Two McDonald's workers in Florida are filing a $500 million class action lawsuit against the company, claiming a "systemic sexual harassment problem" at company-owned stores. HERE

PBS Documentary Highlights Miami-Dade's Court Program for Mentally Ill

Stogie Recommends

Very freaky film, underrated. With Jack Black and Cate Blanchett

Sunday, April 12, 2020

BUSTED: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

The Miami Herald published a blockbuster report on Saturday evening documenting the extraordinary steps Florida’s Republican governor went through to keep COVID-19 information from the public. HERE

Miami Cop Detained Doctor Helping Homeless

A South Florida doctor is speaking out after he says a City of Miami police officer detained him, in front of his house, on his way to help the homeless. The incident was captured on surveillance video. HERE

Ybor Rob: Cop Goes Nuts

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Florida's Right Wing Infestation

As the state’s coronavirus curve rises, Ron DeSantis sticks up for anti-science preachers—and keeps churches open for Easter Sunday. HERE

Tampa Paparazzi

My precious upstairs neighbor Brownie

Florida Trumpistas

Florida GOP governor Ron DeSantis is more worried about pleasing Trump than protecting the health of his state. HERE