Thursday, May 28, 2020

Words of Donna Davis

When your lifestyle does not necessitate understanding of basic human nature, save that of your own individual mind, you’ll fancy yourself some sort of peacemaker. We are forced to watch you stare down your nose @ the “language of the oppressed,” while you benefit from wars that you will never stand against. This is b/c you have an implicit understanding that colonial war, colonial theft, and colonial opression indemnify your privilege.
So, you’re either willfully ignorant, a victim of highly propagandized media, or not very bright. Based on the way your collective social media footprint, I’ll put money on a combination of the first two.
But also fuck you.
If you want to do better, read.
This is ridiculous.
You’re still out here demanding free intellectual labor while the world burns down around you.
You’re vapid, shameless and horrible.

Sky U. White Endorsed By "Run For Something"

I am elated to announce that we have received our first NATIONAL endorsement. 
This is HUGE!!
Being recognized as a Run For Something candidate shows I have great momentum and am running a solid, community-led campaign. More local candidates running grassroots-style campaigns means more authentic 
voices talking to voters.
“These are candidates who are going to run grassroots, community-led campaigns. We are at a critical time in history and the momentum these candidates generate will have a lasting impact for years to come. "says RFS co-founder Ross Morales Rocketto.

Ybor Rose Guy

Ybor City, Florida

Self Isolate Blues

Tampa Locavore: Jimbos Pit Bar B Q - Lakeland


Florida’s August Primary is RIPE for Election Rigging!!!

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Ybor Rob: Crime in South Tampa

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Tampa Locavore: Ybor Food


Sky U. White on Climate Justice

"This is an ethical and political issue that must be addressed and resolutions must be implemented. I will work alongside environmental scientists, community and city-planning leadership, and environmental activists to ‘Get Our County to Go Green’. Now is the time for us to invest into our county and the future of our planet." Sky U. White

Ybor City Homeless
