Sunday, May 31, 2020

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Tampa Locavore: Ybor Food


Self Isolate Blues

Pasco Republican Amber Mariano Comes In Last

No surprise: republican florida house speaker José Oliva, who has pushed a conservative to libertarian agenda through the state house, got one of the lowest grades of all in an analysis by the progress florida organization. Oliva got a 
37 percent — an F.
The only grade lower than Oliva’s grade went to Pasco Republican Amber Mariano. HERE

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Rally For George Floyd In Temple Terrace

56th St. and Fowler Ave
Photo credit: Scott Shoup

No Middle Ground

In my humble opinion, i think the only way is to get out of this abusive relationship with the democratic party, and deal with our stockholm syndrome. leave the party that doesn't want us, and won't allow us to win. the reason is because they rig the elections! there is no choice, but not to support biden. you can either be corporatist shill or a progressive. there is no middle ground we will not be beaten by the establishment or transformed by the democratic party. it doesn't matter to me, what you decide, i only judge myself and my actions. fight the establishment because they refused to address the issues of the people, it's the right thing to do and you know it. we must stop with the insanity and become responsible for the world we vote to have. come all together.. and form a movement based on issues, not distracted by party politics and not led by a politician!

Jason Bardo

Stop Killing Us: A March for Black Lives in Tampa

Tomorrow at 1:30 
Cyrus Greene Park, East Tampa

New Latin Food In Ybor City

17th St.

Self Isolate Blues

Tampa Locavore: Katie's Cafe Bradenton