Showing posts with label GOP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOP. Show all posts

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Businesses That Bribed Republicans To Vote Down Minimum Wage Bill!

  • DineEquity (Applebee’s and IHOP)
  • Home Depot
  • Marriot International
  • Dairy Queen
  • Rite Aid
  • National Retail Federation
  • National Association of Truck Stop Operators
  • Employment Policies Institute
  • National Federation of Independent Business
  • more

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Alan Grayson: Republicans Want You To Die

Charlie Crist Calls GOP Racist

Former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist 
a former Republican, 
said racism is a "big reason" why he left the GOP.
The GOP is now seen as 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

GOP BS: Florida Seniors, Scott what the hell are you talking about?

Scott met with senior citizens in Boca on Tuesday to talk about how Obamacare-mandated cuts to Medicare Advantage were ruining their lives.
 They didn't know what he was talking about.....more>

“I’m completely satisfied,” 
Harvey Eisen, (92) Boca  

Republicans have had to scale back their repeal talk in the face of newly insured constituents. 
Those who don't risk embarrassing themselves.

Their network stopped talking about it.
983,775 Floridians 
enrolled for coverage under the law in March 
second only to California.

Lying Republicans Altered Benghazi Emails

The GOP wants to make Benghazi 
a midterm issue, again. 
With the ACA's success and job numbers improving, 
what else do they have?
 All just an effort to tear down Hillary Clinton.
Who is kicking their ass in the polls.

“I find it an enormous problem that they go after something like this, Benghazi – tragedy that it was – and they don’t go after something that is a colossal tragedy like the war crimes of 
Richard Bruce Cheney.” 
 Retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell

List of Teabag GOP Criminals

Monday, May 5, 2014

Fox ‘News’ Insane Benghazi Hysteria

You wanna talk about the problems with the Obama Administration
They just changed Net Neutrality. 
 They do warrantless spying on all of us,
 on three-hundred-million Americans
They do drone strikes on people, they kill people, they don’t even know who they are, they kill American citizens without do process.
 There’s a mountain of problems with the 
Obama Administration. 
This Benghazi is a … get the fuck outta here with Benghazi.
Watch it here

Friday, May 2, 2014

GOP Declared Economic War On The American People

The Republicans — who recently shot down $12 million dollars over the next 10 years to keep children out of the sex trade while voting for $310 billion dollars in corporate tax cuts in addition to shutting down any discussion on the minimum wage.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Right-Wing Conservatism Debunked by Jesus Christ Himself

This one goes out to Florida's own Marco Rubio. Next time you go off on how Christian you are pick up the Bible once in a while, check out Matthew 5 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Pee And Poop Before You Vote In Miami

The GOP will do any thing to keep us from voting
The Miami-Dade County Elections Department
has quietly implemented a policy to
 close the bathrooms at all polling facilities.

Miami-Dade County Supervisor of Elections

Friday, April 11, 2014

GOP House Passes Ryan Budget

 It will slash more than $5 trillion 
from the poor and destitute in this country......more
In this years US Budget
 Huge US Corporations Avoided Paying Taxes on 2.1 TRILLION in Profits!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

We Are Not A Center-Right Nation

Americans know the rules are rigged (69%), and the rich and special interests have too much power in Washington (63%).
Americans want to raise the minimum wage (72%), rebuild our infrastructure (71%) and make the hedge fund managers and corporations pay their fair share (68%).
Americans want to invest in public education (69%) and for Congress to protect programs that provide help for the most vulnerable (86%).

Americans (69%) think the policies of the Republican party generally

favor the rich

Meet the Populist Majority
The Grand Old Party Was Grand.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

GOP-Controlled States Are the Biggest Federal Government MOOCHERS!

A popular question among liberals is how in the world Republican politicians and business owners get so many people to go against their better interests........more>
The former confederate states would be a third world country if they were their own nation today. That terrible fact is dragging the rest of the country down.

Saturday, March 22, 2014