Showing posts with label GOP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOP. Show all posts

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Top-Ten Most Mmiserable States Are Red

10. Louisiana
9. Oklahoma
8. Missouri

7. Tennessee
6. Arkansas
5. Ohio

4. Alabama
3. Mississippi

2. Kentucky
1. West Virginia, here

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Chris Christie Hiding In Florida

He has been shuttling quietly around the Sunshine State
as far as possible from the public eye.
He came to help the Florida GOP.
Democrats are already busy defining Christie for 2016. Chris Christie can’t run, and he can’t hide. His scandals will continue to follow him for the rest of his career......more>
Ted Cruz 2016

Sunday, January 19, 2014


GOP On the Edge of Insanity
 22 House Republicans 
On the House Judiciary Committee actually passed an anti-choice bill that could allow
 The IRS to audit survivors of rape or incest
for using their contraceptive health care coverage. Forcing women to submit proof of their traumatic experience to government auditors.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

ALEC Wants To Tax Our Sunshine

If you dare to put solar panels on your home or business
to save energy and the environment at the same time,
ALEC (The American Legislative Exchange Council)
is coming for you. You see, by getting your energy from the sun
You are deemed a
"Free Rider"
 and will be taxed as such
These very policies are being discussed at the ALEC two day meeting
in Washington this week.......more

They of course have been branded.

 Florida Blue Revolution 2014

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Florida Islamophobic Fringe Group

 Citizens For National Security
  Are in DC planning to accuse the Council on American-Islamic Relations of
“advancing its agenda of radical Islam” and backing
a campaign of “extortion, intimidation and subversion.”
Republican members of Congress regularly demonize CAIR:
 One former representative even called the organization a
“terrorist organization.” CFNS previously collaborated with then-congressman Allen West. CFNS chairman William Saxton believes that the Muslim Brotherhood has captured public schools in the US and is training students to become Islamic extremists.....more>

 This latest controversy is not new in Florida. The website at Citizens for National Security is heavily devoted to the topic, including a report of the ongoing textbook issue in Florida; a 10-minute instructional video devoted to the topic; and a “Teacher’s Guide” to correcting “Islamic bias.” Saxton calls the Islamic-biased textbooks a “national issue” that’s been ongoing for some time.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

CBS News: Stop Reporting Obamacare Myths

Monica Sanders, a MoveOn member in Zephyrhills, has started a petition to CBS News Chairman Jeff Fager and CBS President Leslie Moonves,
which says:
CBS News should retract the false report on Obamacare that has become a key right-wing talking point and fire the producers who failed to fact-check the
One problem: The report was wrong, and has been debunked by other news sources. But Republicans and Fox News have been repeating it over and over to make the case that Obamacare isn't working. CBS should retract the story and hold the producers responsible for the report accountable

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ted Cruz For President

If "I didn't care so much about our country, I would hope he will get the Republican nomination for president, because that would be the end of the Republican Party,” 
Harry Reid
 Mr. Reid is thinking what I am thinking here 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Right Wing Bullshit

Email From Ken Blackwell Chairman, of the Tea Party Victory Fund
The latest poll from Emerson College shows McAuliffe, the Democrat, with 42 percent support and Cuccinelli, the Republican, with 40 percent. Libertarian Robert Sarvis has 13 percent in the poll of 874 likely voters.
According to Zogby, McAuliffe, former Democratic National chairman, now leads Cuccinelli, state attorney general, by a margin of 44 percent to 32 percent statewide, with 10 percent going to Libertarian Robert Sarvis, 3 percent for other candidates, and 12 percent undecided.
In fact here is the headline at Newsmax "McAuliffe Headed for Big Win".....more
Is this the bubble everyone talks about?

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Right Owes America $24 Billion

The GOP Carnage Has Begun

First Amanda Murphy a Democrat from New Port Richey beats Bill Gunter who had the support of the state GOP and Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross,  who spent $75,000 in the last weeks of the campaign. And now Democrat Cory Booker slides into victory in New Jersey. A Tea Party Republican has been soundly defeated and thus denied entry into the Senate, The Tea Party guy Steve Lonegan ran an embarrassing campaign, resorting to questioning Booker’s sexual orientation in lieu of focusing on the issues facing the state and the country....more And their man Ken Cuccinelli up in Virginia is also losing. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

What A Nice Time To Be A Liberal

Florida Republicans 
Rick Scott,  Elizabeth Cuevas-Neunder, Pam Bondi, Jeff Atwater,  Adam Putnam,  
Steve Southerland, Ander Crenshaw, Ron DeSantis,  John Mica, Bill Posey,
Jorge Bonilla, Daniel Webster, Rich Nugent, Gus Bilirakis, Dennis Ross, Vern Buchanan, 
Tom Rooney, Mario Diaz-Balart,  Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
               Remember these folks in 2014.                     

Thursday, October 17, 2013

GOP Surrender Roundup

"Speaker Pelosi Part 2:  Opening Jan 5. 2015".....Drudge
 “I was trying to think earlier today, if ever in my life I could remember any major political party being so irrelevant,”......Rush Limbaugh

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Democrat Amanda Murphy Wins

What makes Murphy’s win impressive is Gunter had support of the state GOP, including a full-throated voter drive by state heavyweights Attorney General Pam Bondi, House Speaker Will Weatherford and Rep. Richard Corcoran. Gunter had a solid fundraising session, with a total of $165,440, including $211,423 of “in-kind” contributions, with state party and House leadership funds. Towards the end, the race against Murphy became negative, especially when two groups – Florida Jobs First and Citizens for Fairness — paid for pro-Gunter negative attack ads that may have helped Murphy more than hurt. One round of television spots attacking Murphy came from Florida Jobs First, a PAC started by Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross, which spent $75,000 in the last weeks of the campaign. The republican stench will linger. Congratulations Ms. Murphy!